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Mr. CEO's Mistress novel Chapter 1


It's a mature themed story so read at your own risk. If you feel uncomfortable then leave peacefully.

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Tears threatened to fall my eyes, as the doctor's words resonated in my ears again and again. ' You must deposit five million at the reception if you want us to operate your father's brain tumor '

In the past eleven months, I have already deposited almost fifteen million, after selling everything we owned, including our house, our car, all the stuff but it was still not enough.

Still not enough to earn my father some more days of life.

As I stared at the white wall in front of me, while sitting on one of the hospital waiting area chairs, I tried to think of all ways I could get that money from. All these ways included, every legal and illegal way, but I was unable to make the final decision.

Why was life like this? I wondered, as I recalled how calm - not happy - but just how calm we were before my father was diagnosed with brain tumor.

Those days seemed like a dream now.

A dream that was over.

Now, the reality was...

We did not have a house to stay at, did not have any money to even eat food and my father was dying, because I was unable to pay the medical bills anymore.

I have done everything though. Everything I could. I worked three jobs, dropped out of my college, slept on the streets and ate the leftovers, but I never gave up.

But now...

It was all just too much.

A soft hand landed on my shoulder and I sighed out, recognizing who it was. “ Are you alright, Alice? ” The calm, soothing voice fell in my ears and I blinked the tears back.

“ Ofcourse, Mom ” Without turning around, I lied with all my will. I could not tell her how I was not alright at all.

I felt helpless and lonely.

I hated feeling like this, but it was not in my control anymore. With each passing day, I was watching my father die, but I was still unable to do anything. There was nothing more cruel than this helplessness that gnawed at my guts. Day and Night.

Claudia Anderson, my mother was a woman in her 50's with light brown hair, light brown matching eyes that had lost their shine in the past horrible months, a crooked nose - the result of an accident and thin lips that were dry now.

Heaving a heavy breath, Claudia forced a smile up her lips and came to sit beside me, who was never good at hiding her emotions. The dejected look was painted on my face, that one could recognize from far away. But Claudia, herself was unable to do anything. She had done everything she could. She had even asked me to leave them behind and live my own life in an angry fit, but it never worked. I did storm out every time only to come back in a few hours.

Sitting down beside me, Claudia observed my face. I was only 21 years old. I had wide light brown eyes just like Claudia's, a soft - straight pointed nose, bow shaped lips and a fair complexion. The dark circles under my eyes hinted at my tiredness and my disheveled hair made me look like a deranged girl, but I was oblivious to all of this.

“ Mom... ” I called out to Claudia all of a sudden and she hummed snapping out of her trance “ Hmm... ”

“ What am I supposed to do now? ” I whispered in a hysteric voice, as my eyes went wide.

Averting her eyes away, Claudia thought hard before replying to me “ Leave, Alice. Go and live your own life just like Ace ”

Chapter 01 1

Chapter 01 2

Chapter 01 3


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