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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 

I want to talk to Mr. Beaumont….Charlotte glared at the maid who was standing outside her door. Call him. I want you to call him now!” 

Miss Charlotte, Mr. Beaumont is busy with- 

It is six in the morning. He should have the time to talk to me. I need to- 

Miss Charlotte, a pregnant woman should not strain herself too much. Please get back inside. It is cold out here.” 

Cold? Charlotte gritted her teeth. She had been staying inside this room because these damn maids are insisting 

that it was cold outside! 

You cannot keep me hereShe walked back inside the room and grabbed the things that she had packed in advance. She expected the maids to stop her, but this time, the maid simply opened the door wider, holding it out for her. She paused. You- ” 

Mr. Beaumont said that the moment you leave the door, you will not be welcomed back inside the Beaumont Mansion,” the maid calmly said

I am carrying the child of- “ 

Mr. Beaumont said that he will have his very own soon.” 

What kind of answer was this

And the DNA has yet to confirm anything.” Right now, they have yet to do the test as the doctor told her that they 

needed to wait for a few more weeks to make sure that her pregnancy is healthy. She was here waiting because of 

that very reason

However, her conversation with Teresa kept on repeating inside her head. 

Alexander Beaumont might just be playing her all along. He is not trying to protect the blood of the Beaumont 

Family. Instead, he was trying to trick her into staying in this place to protect his wife! 

Tsk!Charlotte hesitated. Then she slowly composed herself. The fact that the maid did not stop her might mean that Alexander already knew that this was going to happen and even told the maid what to say to her. She let out


No matter what, she was still carrying the blood of the Beaumont Family inside her stomach. Struggling won’t change this fact. Do you really think you can threaten me?she chuckled. “I cannot support this child without the Beaumont Family’s help.She said. Tell him, I will be waiting in his office.” 

Then Charlotte dragged her suitcase out of the room and then out of the Beaumont Mansion



Chapter 100 

Pregnancy is not going to stop her. She chose to have this child and was fully ready to support- 

I apologize, but it seems that Miss Johnson is busy. She told us that if you wanted to meet, you should set up an appointment.The female voice who answered her phone call interrupted her stupor

What did you justdo you know who I am?Charlotte asked

Yes, Miss. I can perfectly see your name on the phone. As I said- 


Then, you should know that Alice is my agent. I don’t need to schedule ” 

I apologize, but it seems that Miss Alice’s messages and emails might have ended up in your spam. Two weeks ago, Miss Alice already ended the contract between you two. If you want to know more details, please proceed to your agency as they handle everything and-” 


What did you just- Charlotte could not believe what she was hearing. After leaving the Beaumont Mansion, she immediately called her agent, but her call ended up in voicemail. So, she called Alice’s business phone, and Alice’s secretary was quick to answer her call. You said our contract was canceled?she sneered. Do you understand what you are talking about?she hissed. Alice will pay me for breaching the contract!” 

Ah…. Please pick up the check in Aresan’s building. We already prepared it for you:” 

..They are willing to pay her for breaching the contract? Where did Alice get the money? You- 

If there is nothing else, thenI needed to end this call. I still need to finish a few things for Miss Johnson.” 

Before Charlotte could say another word, the call already ended


What just happened

She stared at her phone, her expression unreadable. Then she dialed Harper- her PA’s number

To her surprise, Harper’s phone was unreachable too

What is going on here?” 

Disbelief flashed in her eyes as she continued calling people that she knew, but almost all of them seemed to have blocked her or even changed their phone numbers

A shiver ran down her spine as she dialed the last contact on her phone book. Just like the others, she wasn’t able to get through

Her hand tightened around her phone. She had the urge to throw it into the wall. Sadly, she was currently inside the car. “Take me to this address…she handed the address to the driver that she hired. It did not take too long for her to arrive at her flat. The moment she walked in, she quickly realized that the flat had not been cleaned for weeks


Chapter 100 

Almost immediately, her anger erupted

For a few minutes, the sounds of glass hitting the wall and various things breaking echoed inside the flat


It should be Alexander BeaumontKarina said with certainty in her voice. He must have done something to change it. Even Adam was certain of it.” 

Sofia pursed her lips. She continued reading the documents in her hand. Despite all this, one thing remained clear she needed to work. Especially now

That Mr. Beaumont is scaryKarina said. “HereHere are the things that you need to know before the trial starts. For now, this is going to be a waiting game. The fact that Lawrence is already in prison without having any chance of bailing is already a win for us. However, this is just the start of the fight.Karina gave her a worried look. It will be a long and arduous one.” 

I know,” Sofia smiled. This time, she didn’t hide the confidence in her voice

You look especially beautiful today,Karina narrowed her eyes at her. Don’t tell me‘ 

What?Sofia blinked

You are pregnant?” 

What?Sofia did not expect that question. What are you talking about?” 

“Oh, so this was just because Lawrence was caughthmmm…. Alright. Alright. Don’t mind then. Let’s continue. Read it, and you can ask me anything that you don’t understand.Karina calmly changed the topic

For a while, Sofia just stared at the papers without even attempting to read them

Alright, let’s start with the specifics. All of Lawrence’s people have been kicked out of the mansion. His son- Min has submitted his resignation. It seems that Lawrence set up some emergency funds for his bastard in case something like this happens. He is on his way out of the country, and we are doing our best to prevent him from leaving, but it might be futile as he is clean. He doesn’t have a case against him. A good citizen. Moreover…” Karina started talking about the actions that they have taken so far and their future actions against Lawrence and his 



This is the final assessment of the project in SEA,Josef said as he placed a stack of reports on Alexander’s table. We are convinced that Koh Samui ticks all the boxes. Pristine beaches, diverse marine life, and relatively 



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