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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Where is she?Lawrence inquired the moment she answered the call. They informed me you sent doctors and took her” 

Have you heard the news?Sofia asked. That doctor is not someone wel could trust.” 


My mother is safe,Sofia stated, her voice cold. She stared at the fireplace in the living room. She chose not to work this time and simply stayed in the house with him. Tomorrow, the meeting would happen, and Alexander suggested that she stay at home instead of going to the office. The arrest of Dr. Mulach would make everything more dangerous, as it would make Lawrence suspect that she knew something

Please do not expect me to trust you after what happened, Father. It was you who recommended Dr. Mulach. You cannot blame me for doubting you,” Sofia said

I, too, was not aware that he is someone like that.” 

I heard that he had arrest warrants all over the world,Sofia said. It’s hard to believe that you knew nothing about it.” 


I only asked my doctors to test my mother’s blood,Sofia said. If I find somethingDr. Mulach will rot in prison!Sofia hisset. Then she ended the call without waiting for Lawrence to say another word. She placed her phone on the coffee table as she balled her hands into fists, trying her best to stop them from trembling

Since Lawrence came into her life, this was the first time she had raised her voice at him. This was the first time that she actually talked to him like this. The experience was jarring. She could not stop her lips from 

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trembling, and her heart was racing like a horse. Yet, it was necessary. She held her other hand and closed her eyes

She knew her face had already lost its color

You want one?a mellowed deep voice interrupted her stupor. She lifted her gaze and found Alexander standing nearby, a wine glass in hand

I need something stronger” 

He smirked and then handed her his glass. Whiskey?” 

BetterSofia downed it in one go, letting the spicy alcohol warm up her insides. I didn’t know that the great chairman of Beaumont Empire would offer me some whiskey in broad daylight.” 

He snorted as he sat beside her. Only when I am with a beautiful woman.” 

She arched her eyebrow. She knew that he was only trying to calm her senses, and she appreciated that. Strange” 

What is?” 

I never knew that you like beautiful womenDaniel never told her anything about Alexander. Aside from the fact that he had a terrible. brother who was out to get him, Daniel never once talked about. Alexander’s private life

However, the fact that Alexander was never linked to a woman made his private life a littlemysterious

Sofia recalled Karina telling her that Alexander might be into men. Karina had gossiped about this man a thousand times because the firm that she was working with handled a few things concerning the Beaumont Empire

Somehow her words made him chuckle

Strangehe uttered

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What is?she asked in return

I didn’t know you were listening to gossip about me, Miss Lockhart” 

I was not,she immediately said


Reallywhy would I listen to gossip about you? I already have a lot on my plate,Sofia said

Is that so?” 

She pouted and grabbed the wine glass that was still in his hand then she drank its contents too. She could already feel her cheeks heating up. Some people talkshe uttered. I must have heard it somewhere, but then again, there is no smoke without a fire.” 

He chuckled. Heard what?his lips lifted into a sexy smirk as ifas if he was waiting for her to embarrass herself further

I- Nothing.” 

Heard what, Miss Lockhart?he leaned closer. Almost immediately, the smell of his aftershave and a subtle hint of his perfume filled her senses. She swallowed, blinking at him

I— you are too close.He was getting closer and closer, leaving her 

breathless. For some reason, she was tempted to push him, but her hand. refused to move. Her already calmed heart once again started drumming against her chest

What did you hear?he asked, his voice sending shivers down her spine

That you have no interest in women,she blurted out, feeling the tension thicken between them

And do you believe them?” he asked, his gaze locked onto hers, making 

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her feel exposed


Do you believe that I have no interest in women?” 


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