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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 

If Eunice knew that you were here, she would raise hellthe old man smiled as he leaned back in his ornate, mahogany chair, its polished. surface reflecting the soft glow of the antique chandelier hanging above. His slender fingers, adorned with heavy gold rings, clasped together over a monogrammed handkerchief

His weathered face turned away from the steam of the tea in front of them, turning towards Lawrence. Tell mewhat did you need from this old man?he asked

Now, why would you assume that it was I who needed something from you?Lawrence calmly said. Not many people knew this, but he was currently talking to someone who used to be a member of the Lockhart FamilyWilliam Clarence

Despite being a Lockhart, the seventyyearold man was forced to change his surname when the Lockhart family kicked him out decades ago

If you came here to ask me to help Sofia, then I’m afraid I no longer have the power to do that,” William said, his gaze clear. I am no longer a Lockhart.” 

Now, isn’t it too much for you to assume that I came here because I wanted you to help Sofia?Lawrence smiled. I came because I want to cooperate.” 

Cooperate?the old man’s white brow immediately raised. He narrowed his eyes at Lawrence. You wanted to ruin the Lockhart Family?” 


Are you not Eunice’s dog?William snorted. What made you change. your mind?” 

Dog?Lawrence snorted. I have never been her dog to begin with.” 

Chapter 29 

The old man nodded, understanding flashing in his eyes. Then he took a sip of tea. Seeing this, Lawrence also took his tea and tasted it, giving the old man some time to think

Decades ago, William did something terrible to another member of the Lockhart Family. While Lawrence did not have specifics, he knew that it was terrible enough, as the Lockharts did not hesitate to kick William out to protect their name.. 


However, it was not just a simple kicking of someone who was already down. The Lockhart Family removed him from their family registry. They revoked his trust fund, warned other companies not to accept him, and did not grant him any inheritance that all Lockharts would receive when they reached a certain age

Because of this, William was forced to leave the United States and work abroad. Years later, William was able to establish his own company in Russia and found a bride. He had his own family, children, and years later, his very own grandchildren

When Eunice’s father died, William chose to silently return to the place where he was born. From the information that Lawrence gathered, William wanted to die and be buried next to his parents. Eunice had granted this wish. Because of this, William is now back in Illinois

What kind of help does an old man like me give you?William asked after a few minutes of silence. I have already given my company to my children. I am but a useless old man waiting for his death.” 

Eunice will never wake up again,Lawrence said

What did you- the old man narrowed his eyes

There is no need for me to repeat my words,Lawrence said. Once I become the new head of the Lockhart Family and LH Group, I am willing to give you two percent of Eunice’s shares.” 

Chapter 29 

Sofia Lockhart is still alive,William said. Isn’t it too carly for you to count your eggs?” 

Lawrence snorted in response. I can take care of Sofia.” 

So the scandal that has been happening” 

It is exactly a part of my plan.” 

The old man nodded. Then it seems that you already took care of everything.” 

I still need something else.” 

6 14:30 

What is it?the old man asked before letting out a series of coughs. The butler standing a few meters away immediately handed him a glass of 


Is it the best time to talk about business?Lawrence asked. I can see that you are currently- ” 

William only raised his palm towards Lawrence. He straightened his back and looked at the younger man. Continue.” 

I need you to use your sources in the underground. I want to know who reported Dr. Mulach.” 

The doctor who was actually the wanted Doctor Tan?the old man asked

It seems that you are still well aware of the current events in the country.” 

The old man snorted in response

Dr. Mulach is the one who poisoned Eunice,Lawrence said. While this was farfetched, he had a hunch that something else was going on behind the scenes

His instinct was telling him that someoneanother predatorwas 

Chapter 29 

W 65 14:30 

watching him. And he dislikes the sensation of being watchedespecially if he does not know who is watching him in secret

The man is a wanted fugitive in more than three countries. Did you really think that someone reported him to get to you?the old man snorted. Aren’t you being too selfabsorbed?” 

If you do not want to help me, then there is no problem-“ 

I will help you,William said. On one condition.” 

Condition?Lawrence snorted. The fact that the old man thinks he is in a position to make conditions is irritating, but he still chooses to listen to him. Go on” 

I need access to the old woman’s vault.” 

Lawrence’s expression immediately changed. The old man that William was talking about should be Sofia’s grandmother, who is currently traveling around the world. She is Eulanda Lockhart, Eunice’s estranged mother

Eulanda never liked Lawrence. She was against their marriage and even forced Lawrence to sign a few documents before he was able to marry Eunice. He truly hated that woman

However, the fact that Eulanda is connected with some important figures. all around the world makes it harder for him to get through to her. So, he did the next best thing that he could do; use Sofia

Despite Eulanda hating her own daughter, she never hated Sofia. To her, Sofia was a treasurethe most beautiful, the smartest, and the kindest. granddaughter that she had. So, Lawrence slowly poisoned Sofia against Eulanda. And he succeeded

Despite this, Eulanda had always cherished Sofia. I heard she does not have any cash in her vault.Lawrence narrowed his eyes. I am going to 

Chapter 29 


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