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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35

itter to you you.” Mr. Lome Lee suudal as he

A Lee seems that you have gotten eten younger Lawtende beamed at the shareholder. After a few pleasantries, the two then estinted walking towards the hallway that would lead then to the main meeting room ofLIGROUP

The sole rette man was located on the topmost floor with were somehow sinprised that there were already a few people isle

“Good Mternoon gentlemen and ladies greeted hum, and for a wlule they enjoyed

Illinois The walked inside the

nom and

Lawrence had a warm smile on his face Everyone inside the room immediately some pleasantries

The conference room at TIGROUP stood tall on the highest theor, overseeing the landscape of us through its glass walls Iowa rectangular space, wilt a long table placed in the midle

Each shareholder has then designated spot around the table, equipped with a microphone for effective communication

At one end of the room, there’s a simple stage elevated slightly are the town, serving as a focal point for the speaker The stage is modest, in line wils the overall sophistication of the mo

Since everyone is already here why don’t we start the meeting One of the shareholders said, just as he finished speaking, the door opened, revealing Sofa with her secretary

“Miss Lockhart, fancy seeing you here a wond

Lace said

ood Aternoon, Miss Paine Solla modded with a smule. As the current Toterim Chc needed. Or did Miss Pame forget to read the emails that we sent weeks ago!”

esign, I believe my presence

iss Brianna Paine immediately pursed her lips.

Brianna, Sona did not mean that.” Lawrence numeshately laughed. “Right, Soll”

Sofia wanted to say something, clap back, and tell Lawrence that the meant what she just said, but she tuntamed a smile on her face. “I was simply curious, father”

“Of course,” Lawrence said. Then without waiting for anyone to another word, he quickly introduced Selta to everyone else before telling Min that they were now g

On the outside, everyone inside the room understood that Lawrence only wanted to mantain peace and avoid any possible problems. To them, Lawrence was doing it for Solia’s sake.

Seeing this, Miss Paine arched an eyebrow bon maintained her sence. She was not here to create trouble: appearance really surprised her, she eyed Sona who made herself comfortable next to her.

Inside the room, there were more than fifteen people, yet out often, there were only three women, including Sofa,

Brianna actually welcomed Sola’s involvement in the company, but she was well aware that the accusations against het were devastating, Brianna would never want that to affect LII Group in general.

Right now, the media is already asking why the INTERIM CEO OF LIL Design has yet to submit her resignation. Brianna did not want the media to start asking more questions that could possibly affect LH GROUP

Soon enough, the meeting started with a welcome and introductions by the current Director or CEO of LH GROUP, hawrence Miles Lockhart. Then they were given an overview of the agenda for the meeting, which included the future of LH DESIGN and its CEO.



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