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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Sota awoke fecing integrand red. Despite the smile adorned her face empting to stretch she frowned upon


mworthy Mentions of the bathroom incident, which occurred after her bath, TOURTANTS SUB Snecouids – help bir tane her face under the blanke


Feste & till allee in the tub? In the end he had to check on her and that was when it happened

TADE covers, diet crews pounting semuirter hair unkempt and sleep clinging to his eyes, leaned

ting in bed wasn

sent shivers down her spine.

something more primal. The memory of last night.

the safest way to spend the night

her voice harely a whisper

Saybe you should let me tuck you in tonight” he

curtains. It must be late. Once again, she was late

For was a low for word Tempted

pre bemenet he ended up not saying another word simply pursing her lips.

The pingin enters se ter jo rough Sea She couldn’t deny the allure of staying tangled in the

Ibout really great for wir sie mumbled the words etching in her

The propped tutuel up on the low gaze still holding hers. Wri

mured his voice husky with a hint of

Sneath tinted. The ar cued with unspoken desare the playful hanter morphing into something more intimate itke vody furummet vots a delicious awarenes a bare raging between responsibility and a yearning she couldn’t quite

of the mu of Greatch brewed cofite wafied into the rod, snapping the tension-fed silence. Alexander’s smile

Coculty tuned wornching the back of his neck. I already made breakfast Care to join me before you head out to

mater mile She did to actually notice the smell of coffee when she woke up! How ridiculous!

Tangafer bl found hemel in the inches with the stuntless Alexander, only in his pajamas, fabric clinging to his

Chapter 74

Sofia felt a wave of warmth wash over her. Sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating Alexander, who stood shirtless at the counter. He turned, a playful grin spreading across his face.

He gestured towards a plate piled high with golden brown pancakes, crispy bacon, and fluffy scrambled eggs. Beside it sat a steaming mug of coffee and a delectable-looking Monte Cristo sandwich cut in half

Sofia’s stomach rumbled, betraying her earlier denial of the entiting aroma. The sight of the breakfast spread, with its mix of comforting classics and a touch of indulgence, made her smile widen

Wow, the breathed, stepping closer. This looks amazing

He winked. Thought something hearty was in order after last nights adventures.”

His words sent a blush creeping up her neck. “Coffee?” he asked.

“Yes, please this. “You

umbled, “Make it black. No sugar.” She needed the bitterness of the coffee to make her wake up from all

tell anyone that you made breakfast for me, they probably won’t believe me.” She smiled.

This man was feared in the business world! No one would believe that he had the habit of making breakfast for a woman.

“I don’t usually inake breakfast for anyone.

Taking a tenutive bite of the fluffy pancakes, Sofia savored the sweet, buttery flavor. This is seriously good.” she mumbled through a mouthful.

“I and taking that as a compliment.”

Sofia smiled. This was not the first time that she tried his cooking but it still amazes her every time. To be honest, just the fact that he is a very good cook was something that she would not associate with his persona in the business world.

“It’s already noon…” he said. “Are you still planning to work? You can call Miss Amores and have your files sent here.”

“No. There’s no need. I have a meeting in the afternoon with the board,” Sofia said. “How about you?”

“I can have my meeting in the office.”

“Oh…” Sofia nodded before she took a sip of her coffee. As expected, the bitterness jolted her awake. It was like a kick in the, head- a good kick, of course.

“I received a call that Daniel wanted to get inside the building last night. I asked the security not to let him in a few weeks ago. I believe he realized that we are still together and wanted to come.”

To Sofia’s surprise, the mention of Daniel’s name did not immediately ruin her mood. In fact, she felt like this was but a casual conversation about an acquaintance. She lifted her head and looked at him. “Are you going to tell me why you actually decided to offer me marriage?”

“What do you mean?”


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