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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Willam narrowed his eyes ar Sons Tost this was a husumptie He never expected the woman in come here on

her own and talk to him the


His vast illegal businesses we

landas him for us long concerning hum. It seems that this

Ah was Fulands even aware of this

71 told voil… I simply guessed” Saha smiled

was already is his comme tous in the black market were mil elevant.

why he wanted to avoid the attentims of various individuals However gh she warned her granddaughter not to involve herself in the matines the case

“Then would you like some tea? This is a tea that I personally brewed “William said.


*Thank you, but I would rather we talk about business. “Softa said.

“Then what do you want to talk about?”

Lawrence’s shipments Sofix said. She was listening to Lawrence’s conversation earlier, but the latter only said that he would be sending William the details once everything was fixed on his end. Aside from this Soha had nothing. “I need it Everything

“And in exchange?” the old man said.

will ask my grandmother not to involve you when he drags Lawrence down.”

Somehow, this made the old man laugh. His old shoulders shook as he tried to contain his laughter. “Little girl, it seems that you are still inside your safe bubble

“What made you think I am scared of Eulanda” the old man continued.

Sofia pursed her lips in response. She only stared at the old man, Again, she looked composed and calm. It was as if she already expected this reaction from him. However, on the inside. Sofia’s heart was beating so fast, it was almost the only thing that she could hear.

Luckily, this place’s light was not good or the old man would have immediately noticed how pale she currently looked even with her makeup on.

“Then what was it that you want?” she asked.

“Your grandmother has something that belonged to me, William said. “To put it simply it was once mine. Her family took it when they kicked me out. I want you to give it to me”

“Tell me the details about it.” Sofia said.

“It’s a music box” William said, his voice softening slightly as his gaze drifted to the window. A small, wooden one with a carved ballerina on top. It wouldn’t be worth much to anyone else, but it held memories for my parents.”

He looked back at Safra, his eyes hardening again. It was the last gift they ever gave each other before they… before they passed away”

Sofia’s facade remained composed, but a thicker of surprise crossed her eyes. This wasn’t what she had expected. It wasn’t money or power, but a seemingly insignificant object.

“And you think my grandmother stole it?” she asked, her voice carefully neutral.



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Sofis pursed

Meanwhile her grandmother also ref

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she was already in the mode of She wanted nothing

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haos walk out of here. She cannot

This will not stop him.



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