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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Sotia reclined into the plush leather we meeting The phone in her perseve

she recognized it as


With trembling fingers, she ans

This is Dr Lee from St Jude’s Hips grandmother

het car a strange emptiness uning at her despite the seemingly successfal

istently, pulling her out of her contemplative ate Clancing at the caller ID

of apprehension tightening in her storrsachs

Avoice, tight with barely suppressed emotion, filled the car “Ms Lockha e need you to come down to the emergency room immediately. 10x about your

The world seemed to hit on its ass. The voice continued, but Sofia barely registered the words, her mind reeling with the chilling announcement Helicopter crash missing critical condition

Sofia felt as it a cold bucket of water had been poured inside her soul, the world around her seemed to narrow. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. Grief sharp and unexpected, slammed into her like a physical blow, stealing the air from her lungs. Her carefully constructed facade from the meeting crumbled, leaving behind a raw vulnerability

“Miss Miss Amores immediately asked when she noticed her reaction.

“Bring me to St. Jude’s Sofia said as the phone slipped from her hand and hit the car floor. She fumbled as she tried to pick it up. “Yes I am still here. I will come as soon as possible. Sofia wiped the tears from her eyes and forced herself to calm down

Just as the call ended, she received another call. This time, it was from Alexander.

I will see you at the hospital,” he told her when she said that she already knew about the accident. Traveling from the company to the hospital took at least forty minutes and, to Sofia, this felt like forever.

The moment she arrived at the hospital, she immediately went to the emergency room where she saw Alexander along with Josef. Unable to stop herself, she crumbled into his arms. In the car, Sofia did not have the chance to show her emotions She forced herself to calm down to think, to analyze the situation.

She did not have the time to be vulnerable.

it of Alexander, all the tears that she was trying to control flowed like streams. In response. Alexander held e sobbed in his embrace. The familiar scent of his cologne offered a brief sense of comfort amidst the

in of emotions. The weight of the day, the tension from the meeting, and the sudden news of her er’s accident all came crashing down upon her

moked sob echoed in the sterile hospital corridor, a stark contrast to the composed image she had projected only nts ago, Tears stained her cheeks, smudging her carefully applied makeup, a physical manifestation of the emotional oil within

her cries subsided into hiccups, she pulled away from Alexander, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Shame pricked at her, a flicker of self-consciousness at displaying such vulnerability

“I’m sorry, she mumbled, her voice rough with emotion. I just

“Miss Lockhart?” an older man that Sofia had met in the past called out. “I am Dr. Lee…we have met before? I checked your mother’s condition in the past.

Sofia nodded, shaking the doctor’s hand. “Dr. Lee

“Shall we talk privately?” the Doctor glanced at Alexander. Sofia godded but she did not let go of Alexander’s hand.

“He’s my husband,” Sofia said. The Doctor simply nodded in response. Dr. Lee then led them to a small, quiet room off the main corridor. His face was etched with concern as he spoke, his voice gentle yet firm. “Ms. Lockhart, Funderstand this is an





incredibly time forget to be up and bene

He paused his gare flickering bites and Alexander “There was a helicopter crash earlier today Your grandmother unfortunately, was one of the passengers Thankfully, the skate was located after several hours of searching


Sofa breath hitched, and wines

sanders hand tighter

“However, the x tuation

Lee contmed “We managed to locate Fulanda, but she sustained severe head

trauma and multiple injuries

He explained in simple terms avoiding overly technical language the extent of her injures “Medically speaking she has suffered a traumatic brain injure. While she is still technically alive and showing minimal brain activity, the chance of her regaining consciousness is unfortunately, very slum


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