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Mr. Conrad Proposes to His Ex-wife Again novel Chapter 1285

Grace looked up, looked at the person in front of her, and froze for a long time.
Vincent squatted in front of her, raised his hand and flicked her forehead, "Stupid? Asking you a question."
Grace clutched her injured leg: "How did you ... get here."
"I ..." Vincent looked away, "I'm here for the tour, no."
Grace said "Oh" and didn't say anything else.
Vincent looked back at her, "How are you doing, can you stand up."
Grace shook her head.
Vincent turned around, his back to her, "Come on up."
Grace wondered, "Are you going to carry me."
"Then otherwise you want me to carry you." Vincent paused and said, "The road is full of rocks, holding you is not good for walking."
Grace slowly lay on his back and whispered, "Only grandpa has carried me."
Vincent got up while saying, "Then you call out for grandpa to listen."
"Don't." Grace said seriously, "You're a brother, not a grandfather."
Vincent: "..."
Forget it, it's no fun to tease her.
On the way back, Grace added, "I thought, you wouldn't come to me."
"Because I'm holding you back from hanging out."
"Didn't I tell you that's not the reason I ..." Vincent said, "What about you."
Grace cocked her head, "What?"
Vincent said, "Aren't you in love with that boy, and I'm disturbing you?"
"What is a relationship."
"You guys are not in a relationship when you date here every day."
Grace said, "No, I come here every day to see my brother. He likes me, that's why he comes to keep me company."
Vincent said, "This is falling in love."
Grace said, "Ah," confused: "But you used to go to the lab with me every day, so we are in a relationship."
Vincent: "..."
He is guilty.
Soon Grace saw a bright light in the distance and she reached out and pointed, "My house is over there."
"I know."
Vincent got here a few days ago.
Clarence didn't let him come, just told him that Grace was back where she was supposed to be.
Vincent didn't put it on his mind at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt he couldn't let it go.
That little fool can get lost in the South City, back to the small fishing village will certainly be bullied.
He thought about it for two days and then came over from Riverside City.
Fortunately, what he feared did not happen.
What he didn't expect, though, was that the little fool, who was actually in love with someone.
Vincent felt amazed and angry at first.
Is the reason she wanted to come back for this kid.
I didn't think this little fool was actually not stupid and knew how to fall in love.
Vincent was only going to stay for two days to make sure she was okay and then leave.
Live and live, but suddenly found that the landscape here is not bad, there is no outside those who have disturbed.
The most important thing is that the wine made here is good.
It doesn't hurt to stay here for a while.
Until, that is, Grace fell and hurt her foot tonight.
Once inside the house, Vincent put Grace down, "Got any medicine."
"Grandma Swift did get me cold medicine."
Vincent didn't have a good mood, "You hurt your foot, what do you need cold medicine, I am asking if you have medicine for sprains."
Grace shook her head, "No."
Vincent said, "Wait, I'll go out and get it."


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