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Mr. President You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets novel Chapter 40


40 40Event In Charge 

Like yes. Now, he could see her, and his blindness did make her confident back then. But today she was just blowing it all away… 

He opened the door for her, Please let me know if you want…. anythinghe said with a cocky grin and Marissa couldn’t even return the smile

If I want anything

Are you joking, Mr. Sinclair? BecausewellI want you


The short meeting with Rafael did good for her mood. She felt a heavy weight being lifted off her chest

Marissa! Are you even listening to what I’m trying to say?she heard Dean’s irritated voice and straightened 

in her seat

All the event people sitting around the long, huge desk had their eyes on her

She cleared her throat and tried to spread her lips for a fake smile but failed miserably, YeyesI think I heard you” 

No. vou didn’tKate spoke looking down at her file


40 40- Event In Charge 

40 40- Event In Charge 

She needed to control her emotions

She HAD to control her emotions

Placing her palms on his hard chest she gave it a slight push

Being a gentleman, he took the hint and maintained some distance by retreating his steps

She wiped her face and tried to smile, I’m sorry… for this,” she pointed towards his white shirt’s front that was now soaking wet with her tears, I messed it up.” 

Oh,his chin touched down his chest and he smirked

that’s not a problem.” 

Then I guessit’s all good andI should take my leaveShe started turning away and was about to bump her shoulder into the glass wall when he was quick to place his hand to keep her safe

Watch out, Ms. Aaron” 

Marissa wanted to transform into an insect and crawl 

out of there. Why was she being so clumsy around 




40 40- Event In Charge 

He called your name several times.” 

Why does this woman try to poke her nose in my business? She and her fiancé both are quite annoying 

to deal with

We are talking about your event table, Marissa. Everyone has already selected their spots,for some reason, she could detect suppressed anger in Dean’s 


So, the leftover table will be mine, I guess,” she finished it with a nonchalant smile and moved her 

focus back to the file

Now she understood why he seemed distressed. Maybe he wanted her to take the best serving table where there could be more limelight and more 


All of them kept discussing the event and Marissa had that uncomfortable feeling at the back of her mind

This much planning for a single event

I think Ms. Aaron has again zoned out,” she heard Kate’s amused voice, and this time in answer she passed her a glare


40 400 Battery power 5% Charge your tablet or tap here to turn on Power saving mode 

If you quit looking at me, Ms. Kate, and use your mind on something more creative then maybe you can get more success.” 

Kate wasn’t the one to back down so easily, Ahan. And what do you think I should focus on?she had

challenging smirk playing on her lips

Marissa plastered a fake smile back to her lips, Maybe help your fiancé so that he doesn’t face problems in his profession!” 

Only the caterers knew what Amir did to the firm, but the rest of the participants weren’t aware of it. Marissa had a hidden threat in her statement

She might tell everyone, what her fiancé was up to if she kept poking her nose in her business

Keep my fiancé out of it, Marissa!she heard Kate hissing behind her when all of them were leaving the meeting room

And you keep ME out of it, Kate. I don’t want a fight with you. I’m here to work and get done with my job. I’m sure your purpose is the same. Don’t make things harder as they are already quite challenging for me,In the last statement she almost sounded like she was 

40 40Event in Charge 


Kate just gave her a dirty look and walked ahead leaving Marissa and her friends appalled

Why is she always sosarcastic?Delinda asked Marissa while her eyes were still on Kate

Because she has nothing better to do,” Shangchi remarked, she is jealous of you, Marissa. You just need to watch out because she can do anything for money.” 

He is right, Marissa,” Delinda warned her, you need to stay very vigilant. For some reason she despises you.” 

Marissa couldn’t tell them that she had worse things on her plate. Kate might do something dirty to win the race, but Valerie and Nina could kill her babies for their benefit

Once Rafael would get closer to the kids, she was planning to tell him about them. She wanted to keep her babies safe at any cost and for that, she needed their father’s support

Look! Isn’t it Mr. Sinclair!Marissa’s heart skipped a beat when someone from their team screamed when she saw Rafael Sinclair coming out of his office

40 40 Event in Charge 

They all gathered around him with Marissa standing at the back of the crowd along with her friends

This was not shocking that Kate was standing closest to him

How are you, sir?one of the participants who was a young boy greeted him shyly, Thank you for releasing our payments. It was a very kind gesture.” 

Why do they all start acting so desperate?Marissa heard Dean’s irritated voice behind her, He is the president, and we don’t need to share every teeny tiny detail with him. For God’s sake, the event is in his 


He was throwing tantrums like a toddler

Thank you for coming to my office and helping us in arranging the event,Rafael said goodnaturedly, I really appreciate it.” 

Sir!Kate was next to speak, Mr. Dean is guiding us so well, but the thing is he is too busy, and his head is 

stuck in several things at a time.” 

Rafael frowned and looked at Kate, I think he is 


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