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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 479

480 Chapter 479 

Keira, standing nearby, was slightly startled when she 

heard this

Why her

She wasn’t trained skilled in surgery at all

Because of her research on medication, she knew a bit 

about medical science… 

As she was thinking, Austin also asked the same question. Isn’t Nora someone who researches medication? Why can she save my sister?” 

The dean said, Miss Gill’s is bleeding internally. Currently, we’re gambling our luck and trying to guess where the bleeding point is. Suturing the wound carries a great psychological risk, and everyone’s very nervous! At this point, the only person who could keep her hand absolutely steady is probably Nora.” 

After saying this, he explained, As far as I know, Nora’s hands are incredibly steady. Back when she was abroad, she participated in a surgery where the lead surgeon was too shaky to operate, and it was Nora 

480 Chapter 479 

who stepped in and completed the procedure. Her mindset and state are naturally cut out for surgery!” 

Keira didn’t know what to say

So that was the reason

Her hands didn’t shake simply because it came from turning screws in Oceanion

After leaving the Olsen family, she worked several jobs

She first worked as a courier and eventually grew into creating her own courier company

As a chef, she ultimately took over her master’s 


She even cleaned at a horse track and dabbled in the computer industry… 

Back then, she desperately needed money and was too young to meet the legal age for temporary work, so she could only work for a couple of hours in different place, essentially getting paid by the hour

She was paid little for doing lots of work

She worked harder than others, striving to keep a stable job, she had to perform better than the rest so 

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that her boss would realize her excellence and would continue to secretly employ her, an underage worker

This led her to be the best she could be in each industry according to her understanding at the time

Even in the unskilled job of turning screws, she earned the title of Senior Fitterin the factory

It was all thanks to her steady hands

So, upon hearing this, she immediately stood up. My hands are very steady. I’ll do it.” 

At her words, several people turned to look at her

The dean instantly frowned. Well” 

Lady Gill stared at her

Austin immediately said, Keera, don’t mess around! That’s my sister!” 

Keira ignored him and walked straight to the dean, My hands are very steady, and I’ve been involved in several surgeries. Just tell me what to do, I can handle it.” 

The dean sized her up and after a long pause finally said, Young lady, what you think of as steady hands is 

480 Chapter 479 

actually different from what we in the medical field define as steady hands. That” 

Before he could finish, Keira walked straight to the operating room door and said, Stop wasting time, hurry up, isn’t the person about to not make it?” 

The dean:

Lady Gill frowned. Miss Olsen” 

Keira looked at her. Lady Gill, you don’t trust me?” 

Lady Gill bit her lip

After a moment, she turned to the dean and issued

direct command. Let her have a try!” 

The dean was dumbfounded .”Lady Gill” 

Lady Gill turned back to Austin. Contact Nora immediately and see if she has time to perform surgery on your sister!” 

Austin replied, Yes!” 

Seeing that she had said nothing further, the dean then proceeded to lead Keira into the operating room

As they entered, the dean couldn’t help but whisper to Keira. Miss Olsen, isn’t it? Volunteering at this time is 

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unwise! Normally, people’s hands don’t shake, but seeing a bloody scene and performing 

microoperations is an extreme test! Many veteran surgeons can’t do it. You can still back out now” 

Keira had no intention of wasting words with him and went straight to the sterilization room and changing area, having a nurse help her change into the scrub

She then walked to the operating table and looked at the lead surgeon

The lead surgeon’s face was covered in sweat; he was extraordinarily tense

The data showing on various instruments indicated that Nara’s condition was far from stable. Any further delay would certainly result in her death

At that moment, a delicate, slender hand reached over, taking over the surgical procedure, followed by a woman’s calm voice. What needs to be done? You direct, I’ll do it.” 

Outside the operating room

Lady Gill and Austin were pacing back and forth

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Austin couldn’t help but look in the direction of the operating room and complained softly, Mom, how could you let Keera mess around like this? How could she possibly save my sister?! If something happens to my sister” 

Lady Gill was frustrated and also felt some 

apprehension for not having stopped the action 


She didn’t know what had come over her, but after meeting Keera’sgaze, she had impulsively felt that 

Keeracould do it


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