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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire novel Chapter 554

555 Chapter 554 

Matthew turned his head away and wiped the wet corners of his eyes. (

Keira didn’t rush him and waited patiently for him to calm down

In fact, Keira suspected that Matthew had a 

connection with her sister, and it wasn’t solely based on a photo she hadn’t seen in years… 

It was because, after she woke up as Keera, she not only didn’t go into shock, but she also didn’t show any symptoms of anemia. This indicated that while she was unconscious, someone had been administering iron to 


And that person could only be Matthew

Strangers wouldn’t understand her condition well 

enough to execute such a flawless intervention

It had only been a suspicion until the last time when she thought she saw Matthew at the Clance Hospital. She had someone look into it and discovered that Matthew was, in fact, a doctor there and had been on 



555 Chapter 554 

assignment in Oceanion for the past few years

Connecting all these dots, Keira came to her conjecture. 

After what seemed like an eternity, Matthew finally regained his composure

He took a deep breath and said, I don’t really know what the deal is with the South family. I grew up in an orphanage. The head of the orphanage told me that I had to work hard and become outstanding if I wanted a family, so I was diligent and became the smartest child in the orphanage. Finally, one day, a luxury car came, and I was taken away

I thought I was going to join a happy family, but to my surprise, I was sent overseas to study. They arranged for me to learn many things until I was sent back to the country when I was fourteen, to your sister’s side. They told me that my life’s mission was to ensure your sister’s safety, to be her Guardian, and your sister was my master.” 

At that time, Keera was about seven years old

extremely adorable and obedientShe always treated me like an older brother and never like an underling” 


555 Chapter 554 

Matthew spoke of Keera with an especially tender 


His eyes revealed a sense of nostalgia and affection, clearly showing his deep love for her

Keira spaced out for a moment

Keera was indeed a gentle and kind woman, and most men around her seemed to like her

Like Matias… 

With Keera’s personality, there wouldn’t be many who disliked her

Keira looked at Matthew and asked, Then what happened?” 

Matthew slowly continued. Your sister only wanted to keep a low profile and to be abandoned by the South family, so she outright rejected the second mission they assigned. Mary and Ellis never got together, and that’s why she chose such a husband.” 

Keira was confused. The second mission?” 

Yes, the first mission was to become good friends with Mary. Keera was sent to the same kindergarten by her 

foster parents when she was little. She was verv 

555 Chapter 554 

young, and her parents told her to play with Mary, so she did without making a big deal out of it. But as she grew older, she realized she didn’t want to exploit her relationship with Mary, so she took the opportunity to fall out with Mary and gradually faded from Mary’s 


Matthew smiled bitterly. “She was such a kind girl, not wanting to burden anyone, so she took on everything herself. Including that time on the sea, she chose to save you and gave up on herself.” 

Keira’s eyes gradually moistened

Her relationship with Keera, whom she had met for the first time only to face life and death separation, wasn’t close. She had impersonated Keera partly out of 

responsibility and partly to save her mother, Jodie 


But at this moment, listening to Matthew’s words, the image of Keera seemed to come alive before her

Keera was timid and cowardly, yet she could give up the mission issued by the South family for her friend… 

She was fearful and panicked, yet for Keira’s sake and Jodie South, she could let her Guardian, who would 

never betray her, protect Keira… 

How could she be so foolish

Keira clenched her fists

Matthew then continued. Speaking of which, after your sister found out about her identity, she chose to become a dispensable pawn to protect you, fearing that the South family would discover youAfter she was abandoned, it was as if I had been exiled, destined to be just an ordinary doctor, guarding her by her side for the rest of my life. But to protect you and your mother, she sent me to Oceanion” 

He lowered his gaze. Since I was little, I was taught to obey my master’s commands, so even if I knew the request was unreasonable and that the one who would get hurt by this request would only be Keera herself, I still had to comply

I went to Oceanion, and I met you. I thought you would be as gentle and lovely as your sister, but while your sister was like a rabbit, docile and calm, you were like a cat, always showing sharp claws. You and your 


sister are completely different people.” 

His description was quite apt


555 Chapter 554 

But Keira didn’t want to hear all this

She asked, So, what exactly is the deal with the South family? What do they do? Why are they like this? What exactly is my sister to the South family? And what’s with this rabbitcode name?” 

Seeing her so anxious, Matthew sighed. Actually, I don’t know the answer.” 

Keira was stunned. What?” 

Matthew gave a wry smile. I’m just an orphan, so what right do I have to be in touch with the higherups of the South family? I don’t know what this is all about. All I know is that I receive orders from above, and my mission is to protect the identity of your sister from being discovered and to work together with your sister to complete missions until, finally, we get 

acknowledged by the South family and can return 


Keira heard the keywords. Return home?” 

Yes, return home,” Matthew looked at her. Whether it’s me, your sister, or even you, don’t you feel we’re all like orphans stranded outside? We have a home but cannot return. The South family is our home. Only by 


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