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My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift novel Chapter 117

  (semi final)

  One last game(final fight of the year)

  [Friday, 24th Of December]

  Christmas Eve, a time of merry sounds and joyous laughter! Usually, none of that was seen in the Rockwood Pack. It was just a normal day for them. They had never celebrated such a season and didn’t consider it necessary to do… That was before Roxanne came.

  It was ironic, how after not celebrating such a season during times of peace, they indulged in it during a time of grief. But, no one could deny the beauty of it.

  Everyone was busy doing one thing or the other, preparing for the big event called Christmas. They were late in their preparation, but Roxanne had everything covered.

  She took control of the event, as a true leader and made everything to be in order. She assigned roles to everyone, ensuring proper distribution of work and division of labour.

  The men were sent to perform the more rigorous tasks, such as cutting down giant trees and gathering the right materials needed for the event.

  The women weaved thin lines of wood and fibre, as a makeshift object that was necessary for Christmas. The young ones assisted in activities and decorations. Since they didn’t live near modern times, and it would take too long to go to procure the materials they needed, they had to improvise. However, Roxanne wasn’t deterred by this at all.

  Rather, she was even more excited. This would be the strangest, weirdest Christmas of her life, but…

  “It's going to be the best!” She smiled to herself.

  After she had addressed them the previous day, even though they all agreed, they didn’t know the first thing about preparing for Christmas or what it entailed. But, that wasn’t an issue for Roxanne, she had that covered.

  “We only have today and tomorrow for preparation. We need to move quickly!” She had said.

  There was so much they needed. Lights, decorations, music… Food, lots of good food! Roxanne used her head to look for options they could adopt and she finally found it.

  “Rita, how did you make your cottages in the middle of the woods?” Roxanne asked.

  “Oh? We have expert builders here. Our equipment are also functional. All we need are wood, nails, and time… why are you asking?” Rita replied curiously.

  “Perfect! There are no trees that can properly serve as a Christmas tree… So we’re going to make our own! We’ll build it!” Roxanne declared.

  The builders were divided into groups. Some procured the necessary materials, tree stems, and branches to serve as the body, while also making use of twigs for attachment. They peeled off barks and painted them to serve the purpose of leaves.

  The women were in charge of weaving decorations and extensions where the lights would be placed. The question which many asked was…

  “What light?”

  There was no electricity this far away from civilization, and the wolves didn't have any stable source of light other than the moon's illumination. They had lanterns, but they hardly used them, after all, they could all see clearly in the dark. However, a Christmas tree had no meaning without lights!

  “No, there has to be something!” Roxanne muttered.

  Suddenly, she remembered when she first gained consciousness in the cave, and her first time in the village. The first things she noticed while she was there were the fireflies that lit up the room.

  “We can use that!” Roxanne declared.

  The pack members gave her a look of awe, meaning at her ingenuity.

  Rita and a select few went into the game to procure the fireflies and obtain their assistance for the glow only they could give.

Chapter 117 1

Chapter 117 2

Chapter 117 3


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