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My Babies, My Love novel Chapter 154

  • Patricia fled downstairs and ran into the rest of them who were just heading back in after their walk.
  • Scott noticed that she seemed a little flustered, so he walked over and asked, “What’s the matter, Mommy?”
  • Patricia’s face was scarlet as she combed her fingers through her hair.
  • “Everything’s fine. We should go home now.”
  • Elizabeth and Phillip were reluctant to see them go. They very much enjoyed their walk with the three children earlier.
  • Both of them were fond of children and did not want to part with these three so soon. They even hoped that the kids could stay over for the night.
  • Elizabeth came forward and held Patricia’s hand.
  • “Tricia, why don’t all of you stay the night? Phillip is very happy right now. Both of us are reluctant to see the kids go.”
  • However, all Patricia could think about was what just happened with Isaac, so she dared not remain here any longer.
  • “Old Mrs. Arnold, the kids have school tomorrow, and I have to go to work as well, so it’s best that we take our leave now. We’ll come and visit you again soon.”
  • She then took Sylvie’s hand. “Let’s go.”
  • The family of four climbed into the car and soon, they drove out of Arnold Manor.
  • All was silent in the house once more, and Phillip’s expression turned gloomy.
  • Just then, Isaac came downstairs. While passing by the living room, he asked, “Did they leave?”
  • Elizabeth called him over. “Isaac, come here. I have something I want to ask you.”
  • Isaac did as he was told. As he sat down on the couch, he seemed slightly downcast.
  • Elizabeth poured him a cup of tea. “The tea’s quite fragrant. Give it a try.”
  • It was the one Patricia had given them. Though it was not a particularly well-known or luxurious brand, its fragrance was exceptional.
  • Knowing the kind of person Patricia was, she would have given the best that she could.
  • Isaac drank a mouthful of tea before turning to look at Phillip. He seemed to be doing quite well lately, but when was he going to recover fully?
  • How long do I have to wait until I won’t have to worry about angering him?
  • “Isaac, have you ever had unprotected sex?”
  • The more Elizabeth observed Scott and Stellan, the more they seemed like Isaac. She felt a strange sort of familial connection with them.
  • This was especially pronounced when it came to Sylvie. It was like the little girl was her own great-grandchild.
  • Isaac thought about it. He had, during that dream—well, not a dream, but he could not find the woman from that night.
  • Patricia was very much like her. It was why he yearned for her.
  • “Gran, you shouldn’t concern yourself with these sorts of things.”
  • He was about to get up when Elizabeth added, “Scott and Stellan look exactly like you when you were little. Do you think those three children could be yours?”
  • Elizabeth looked serious. She had a strong suspicion, but she was afraid that it would not be true.
  • Isaac glanced at Phillip, only to see his breathing become more and more laborious. It looked like he still favored Adeline.
  • If those three kids were his, Phillip would probably get a heart attack.
  • Wouldn’t I know if I’m the father? He had never encountered Patricia before, so it could not be her.
  • “No, you must be wrong, Gran. Those two boys do look quite handsome, but don’t all kids look like that?”
  • It had been over twenty years anyway, so would Elizabeth still remember how he looked when he was a child?
  • Elizabeth nodded. “Alright. I’m sure you know best. But remember, don’t get a woman pregnant and shirk your responsibility after. It’s very hard on a woman to raise a child by herself.”
  • When Phillip heard their exchange, he became so emotional that his eyes rolled back as he fainted.
  • The servants were petrified as they cried out, “Old Mr. Arnold! Old Mr. Arnold… Are you okay?”
  • Elizabeth got a fright too. “Phillip? Alright, I’ll stop bringing this up. I won’t bring it up ever again. We’ll do what you want, alright?”


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