Chapter 1233
“As I said, it was only sage advice, and it’s up to you whether to take it or not, Ruka answered calmly, then spun on her heels to leave.
Victoria stood up as anguish washed over her. She had found sweet revenge in picking on Ruka the way she had, but the rush was short-lived, and she still could not have Ren to herself. At the end of the day. Ruka might have left, but Victoria felt like the biggest loser.
Meanwhile, Ruka headed down the sidewalk while gripping onto lier bag. She had left her job. but it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
As she walked, she decided that she was going to call Ren and tell him about this. She fished her phone out of her bag and found her way to the park, then sat on a bench as she called his number.
His husky, magnetic voice filled the other line immediately after he picked up. “Hello?”
“Are you busy?” Ruka asked.
“No, I’m on my way back to the house.”
“I have something to tell you,” she said openly. “I quit my job.”
“Why did you do that?” Then, he asked icily, “Did someone make you?”
The readers' comments on the novel: My Baby’s Daddy novel (Anastasia)
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Thank you for all the efforts made. I want to complete the rest of the novel, please....
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