Chapter 1252
“Alright, it’s getting late. You should go to bed,” Ren said.
Ruka refused to succumb to the drowsiness and insisted childishly. “No, I want you to sing again. Please?”
He could never refuse her when she was in such a state, so he agreed to sing the lullaby avain Frankly, she had no idea wly or how she had let her inner child show itself to him. She could be painfully independent and mature, but with Ren, who indulged her whims and cherished her unconditionally, sic knew she could let down her guard without fear. It was as if a part of her understood that he could make any exception for her because she was special to him.
Ruka dreamed of him that night with lewd images that she could not recall without embarrassment and slept in the following day. Claire let her of the hook because it was the holidays.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Baby’s Daddy novel (Anastasia)
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Thank you for all the efforts made. I want to complete the rest of the novel, please....
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