Chapter 1259
Harold waved Richard over to his side.He had been a rather absent grandfather while Richard WAN rowing up and they hardly saw each other outside of lamily events. The guilt built up over time, and now that llarold was in his old age, he wanted to salvage his relationship with his grandson
Not long after, Scarlet beckoned Richard and Angela to the annex, then told one of the maids to bung Ruka in as well.
“Richard, meet Ruka,” Scarlet introduced.
This was the first time Ruka was meeting Scarlet’s son, but there was a sense of familiarity that made her feel at case. She flashed him a smile and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Richard.”
“The pleasure’s all mine,” Richard said, having already accepted her as part of the family.
Scarlet gestured at the lady next to Richard and said to Ruka, “And let me introduce you to his wife, Angela.”
Angela had noticed the pretty girl named Ruka from the moment she walked in and figured that this was the goddaughter Scarlet had taken in. For some reason, both girls took an instant liking to each other.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Baby’s Daddy novel (Anastasia)
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Thank you for all the efforts made. I want to complete the rest of the novel, please....
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