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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 43

"Daaaad! It's for you!" Peter woke up from his ringtone abruptly, ending his dream. 'This sucks!' was the first thought in his head.

"Who is this?" Peter answered impatiently.

"Peter, my mom is very ill. Please come to the hospital and treat her. NOW!" The anxious voice from the other end of the line immediately sobered Peter up.

Not bothering to change or shower, Peter rushed to the hospital.

The girl who called was Audrey. He couldn't understand why Grace's illness was still recurrent even after he had treated her several times. The treatments should have been enough to cure her totally.

Peter pushed his thoughts aside. They wouldn't help for now. The most important thing was that he got to see Grace as soon as possible.

"There you are. Go to my mom, now!" Audrey said, greeting Peter immediately at the hospital entrance. Her eyes were red and swollen. It looked like she had been crying.

"What happened?" Peter asked as they were running towards the ward.

"Yesterday, my auntie visited, bringing along a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. She suggested that mom would get treatment from that person, and my mom felt too shy to say no.

The person did acupuncture on mom several times. We didn't pay much attention to it because it seemed harmless; but today, her illness seems to have gotten worse!"

Audrey narrated.

Finally arriving at the floor of Grace's ward, They navigated through a crowd, all looking anxious. It was impossible to tell if they were sincere or not.

Accompanying James were a man and a woman. He was clearly in a bad mood, but he maintained a respectful demeanor.

"Dad, Peter is here, " Audrey told James loudly as they approached.

James walked towards Peter. "You're finally here!" he said, relieved. "We're all counting on you. Please save Grace."

"Let me see her first." Peter rushed towards the ward, wasting no time.

Vicky, the woman beside James stopped him abruptly. "James, who is he? My sister is being treated by Doctor Wu and Director Wang. They shouldn't be disturbed!"

She was about forty and had a voluptuous figure. She looked really good for her age. However, her intrusive tone made Peter feel uncomfortable.

"Auntie, this is the doctor who treated mom last time. He can help!" Audrey answered quickly.

"Doctor? How can he cure my sister?" Vicky looked at Peter, unconvinced. "Are you sure he's a doctor, Audrey? He looks too young to be one."

Before Audrey could answer, Vicky shouted at Peter, "Which hospital do you work for?"

"I don't work for any hospital, but I can cure her, " Peter replied, scrunching his eyebrows.

"How can you cure my sister without even being a doctor?" Vicky asked, skeptic. "You want my sister to die, don't you? How could you let a random guy come in and treat her?" she accused James. "Don't pretend like you care! I can see through you, you hypocrite!"

"Auntie, Peter can really..." Audrey tried to say something but she was stopped by her aunt. "Shut up, Audrey! You're a university student! You should know a scam when you see one!"

"And you, fraud!" she said, addressing Peter, "How dare you prey on a sick woman like my sister. I should be calling the police now and have you arrested!"

"Stop it!" James couldn't take it anymore. "Just stop it. I know you look down on me, but please don't insult anyone else."


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