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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 45

Doctor Wu was about to resist his arrest when he saw something by the door of the ward that shocked him to his core.

Supported by her daughter, Grace was walking slowly towards them. Doctor Wu couldn't say a word.

He looked at Vicky in hopes of support, but she ignored him completely.

Doctor Wu's face turned pale. He knew his career was over.

"Thank you very much, Peter. You saved me again!" Grace said with overflowing gratitude. She would have died if Peter didn't come to help her.

"You're welcome, " Peter replied.

"Peter… I owe you an apology, " Vicky said, embarrassed for how she acted. She didn't expect that Peter truly could cure her sister.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, Auntie. Forgive me for leaving, but I have to go to work. Please make sure to get some rest." Peter told Grace before leaving, ignoring Vicky.

Although he understood that Vicky was very anxious earlier, he still couldn't manage to forgive her just yet.

Embarrassed, Vicky turned red and decided to keep quiet.

As Peter was about to leave, Director Wang stepped in front of him. "Sir, excuse me. I'm the director of the Golden City First People's Hospital. Would you like to consider being a physician here? I assure you that the compensation would be very satisfying!"

He said excitedly. Golden City was a second-tier city, and the First People's Hospital wasn't known in the country.

Having Peter around might help give the hospital a great reputation.

Grace had seen many doctors to have her disease cured, both locally and abroad. She had met with the most prominent doctors in the industry, and yet, they all said that her disease was incurable. Peter was the only one who cured her illness! He must be a really good physician!

"I'm sorry, Director Wang, but I have to decline. I'm neither a doctor nor do I want to be one. I really appreciate your offer, though. Forgive me but I must go, " Peter replied and left the hospital immediately.

Director Wang stood dumbfounded and took a while before he recovered.

He later found out after investigating that Peter was only a security guard. He didn't expect Peter to say no to such a lucrative compensation. He was so sure his offer was attractive.

After leaving the hospital, Peter hailed a cab and went on his way to Silverland Group. Entering the building, he was greeted with a sight that made him really angry.

Twenty security guards stood along the hall while in front of them, Bob was beating one up.

"You are too weak to be the security guard for the reception hall, Jack! Will you be able to intervene if someone breaks into the company? Huh?

You're a fucking loser! Fuck you! Stand up and fight me! If you lose, you're fired! Stand up! Stand up now, you son of a bitch!"

Bob shouted, kicking Jack very hard.

Jack was trembling on the ground with a bloody nose and swollen face. He looked really terrible.

His face red and his hands clenched, he did his best to stand up but failed.

The other security guards watched silently, not daring to say a word.

Suddenly, Bob noticed Peter and shouted, "Peter! As an employee of this company, do you remember its policies? Your shift starts at nine o'clock in the morning. Look at your watch! What time is it? You're late!


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