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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 48

Peter ate the meal very carefully and with serious trepidation.

He kept glancing at the door of the private dining room he was eating in, time and again, scared, that it would be kicked open at any moment and someone would show up.

On the contrary, Amelia enjoyed her meal with great comfort and ease. She savored every bite as though it was her last.

The meal lasted for more than an hour before it was finally over.

And nothing dramatic had happened yet, which gave a sense of relief to Peter.

As soon as they left the Rose Restaurant, Peter tossed a question toward Amelia, "Miss Mo, the dinner has ended. Can I leave now?"

Amelia was just about to answer when suddenly her phone rang. She hung up, grabbed Peter and said, "Do not leave right now. The traces of a major criminal have been found. You should just come with me."

"I am not a policeman, you see?!" Peter thought to himself, 'Is it really so difficult to get rid of this crazy woman?'

Peter was in the middle of his thoughts just when Amelia announced, "It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police in handling cases!" Further, coming up with lame excuses, she tried to manipulate Peter. "Are you so hardheaded that you will let a weak woman fight with armed criminals all alone? What if I get injured? Are you so hardhearted?"

Peter had no words to say. But he rather thought to himself, 'This is not the way to cooperate with the cops just in order to handle a case. They cannot just pick a random guy up from the streets and expect him to arrest criminals on their behalf, can they?

What's more, you are a weak woman? If you are a weak woman, 80% of the men in the world would be lame sheep.'

Peter just thought about these in his mind, of course, as he dared not say them out loud.

Twenty minutes had passed when Amelia finally decided to take Peter to the Harvey Grand Hotel.

"Hello, I'd like to take a honeymoon suite on the eighth floor, near room number 802." Amelia walked straight to the front desk and announced.

By now, Peter had no clue what was happening. He was taken aback and so out of shear fear that he asked Amelia, "Why are we checking in to a hoenymoon suite, is it really necessary?"

"Can you please keep your mouth shut! Who do you think has the final say here, you or me?" Amelia coldly condemned what Peter had to say, took out her card and handed it to the girl at the front desk.

Being talked back, Peter felt quite adusted, but had to shut up obediently.

Amelia swiftly completed all the necessary formalities required for checking in and walked towards the elevator.

Peter had no other option but to follow her lead.

The two girls at the front desk looked at them strangely.

"How eligible is this man that he manages to have date such a gorgeous lady? That woman is so beautiful and elegant."

"Well, he must be a boy toy at first glance. Who knows how he'll be abused by the woman. Don't you see, he dare not even take a deep breath?"

"Yes, the boy toy is very pitiful. But it's worthwhile to hook up with such a beautiful woman, even if he's just a boy toy."

Peter overheard their conversation and wanted to turn around to argue with the two girls at the front desk, but he controlled himself not to.

'Who is a boy toy? Have you ever seen such a handsome boy toy? I'm just cooperating with the police in handling some case, understand? God! Why do they have such weird thoughts while being so beautiful?' Peter thought to himself.

Soon, Peter followed Amelia into the honeymoon suite. As soon as Peter entered the room, Amelia almost immediately closed the door.

Peter could not understand what was happening. "Miss Mo, what are you going to do now? Why are we here if not to arrest the criminals? Why the hell are we checking into honeymoon suite and closing the door behind us? I'm telling you, I'm not a saucy man."

"You're not a saucy man? Are you saying I am a saucy woman?" Amelia looked at Peter, her tone as fierce as ever, "Don't think too much. We just checked in to keep a watch on the criminals."

"Can we not just walk into their room and arrest them?" Peter was all sorts puzzled, "Besides, we should keep a lookout over them stealthily with the door open, shouldn't we? How can you surveille on them with the door closed?"


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