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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 50

After leaving the hotel, Peter ran back to his office.

As soon as he reached the office, he tumbled into Shelly and Lisa, who were just about to leave for lunch.

They were both wearing the office uniform — a formal suit with a black vest and a white t-shirt, paired up with black pants.

Under those tight black pants, Peter could see the silhouette of their perfect thighs.

Both of their faces evidently brightened up on seeing Peter. They were both blushing, as they greeted Peter.

Shelly being the blunt one, as always, straight up said, "Peter, I haven't seen you in a couple of days! I missed you so much!"

Peter glanced at both of them and then replied to Shelly, "Woah, Shelly! You stole my words, we definitely have some telepathy going on here."

Then he reached out his finger and scratched Lisa's cute little nose, teasing, "Lisa, did you miss me?"

In her own revolting ways, Lisa announced, "I didn't miss you at all, Peter!"

Lisa was not as blunt and straight forward as Shelly. As soon as she uttered those words, she started turning red and looking away in embarrassment.

"Don't listen to her Peter. She's completely smitten by you. Also, I heard her calling out your name in her sleep last night." Shelly had begun to robe Lisa of her innocent image, already!

"She's just blabbering random stuff, don't take it seriously", Said Lisa, reaching out to Shelly to pinch her, while still feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Look at her Peter, so annoyed! She's turning red in anger."

Chuckling, Shelly moved away and near Peter so as to avoid all the pinching, and continued teasing Lisa.

"You literally provoked me into this!"

"How? What is wrong with me calling out Peter's name in my sleep? You called out his name in the shower, last night!"

"You said you would keep this between us. I'll hit you hard, you whore!"

Shelly's face became red, and waving her arms, she jumped out at Lisa.

She quickly raised her hands in the direction of Lisa to playfully hit her, for saying what she did.

Peter glanced at the two women, fighting playfully. He was shocked, yet happy to see them fighting for him.

He was one charming gentleman.

Seeing that the fight was getting intense, Peter intervened in order to stop things before they got ugly. "What are you both beautiful ladies fighting for? I can take on both of you at the same time, don't worry!"

"You are such a jerk, you!"

Both, Lisa and Shelly, rolled their eyes at him.

Other employees, passing by and leaving for lunch, saw this scene and felt envious of Peter.

A few employees wondered how Peter got so lucky that those two women were literally throwing themselves on him.

"Peter, did you have lunch?" Shelly casually asked Peter.

Peter himself was starving, so he proposed that they all eat together. "No, let's eat together. My treat!"

"You're kidding, right? It should be our treat to you not the other way around. Without your support and help, we'd still be stuck at the front desk."

"Absolutely, it should be our treat, not yours!"

"So, how's it going in the sales department? Have you got accustomed to your work there yet? I hope your superiors aren't bothering you?

If anything of the sort happens, just let me know and I'd be there for your rescue."

"Not as of yet. But if anything of the sort happens, we will definitely call out for your help!"

"All right. Don't forget!"

"Leave such kinds of work for me only. Only if I save you, can I ask you guys to surrender your bodies to me."

"You are a mean man. I won't speak with you."

All three of them shared a laugh and soon left The Silverland Group.

The entire scene had taken place just outside the CEO's office.

Bella stood right in front of the windows and observed the entire things, the fight, the flirting and the laughs.

Bella had been grateful to Peter for all his help in the 'Bob Case'. But after witnessing the whole scene between the three, Bella was raged. All the gratitude she felt towards Peter, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Such a bunch of useless bastards! We pay them for their work, not for their dates here. Absolutely shameless!"


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