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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 60




The delinquent teenagers shouted as they rushed at Peter.

They were really looking for a fight.

"Brandon, hide in the car and call the police!"

Peter shouted as he braced himself for the incoming attack.

Confounded, Brandon gestured the girls in the Hummer to call the police as he rushed over to Peter, gritting his teeth.

"Bro, how do you expect me to get inside the car and leave you to fight them alone? You saved me once, the least I can do is to fight to the death by your side!"

Brandon grinned, kicked over one of the rowdy teenagers, grabbed a machete and charged through the crowd.

Caught off guard, two of the hooligans were caught straight away as six of them hurled knives and sticks at him.

Fortunately, the road wasn't wide enough for them to rush at him all at once. It was lucky that the road was narrow.

Otherwise, Brandon would have been hacked to death, unable to defend himself against so many people.

Six young men stood in front of him while the rest of them stood behind.

Brandon faced as the first six attacked. Swinging his machete, he deflected a knife and kicked one of them with his right leg.

Blood oozed as Brandon's response injured both himself and his attacker.

Despite his quick reaction, a machete managed to hit his left arm and leave it injured.

Two sticks hit him squarely and threw him to the ground.

The guy he managed to kick over was quickly replaced by another one and all six of them struck him, landing six blows all at the same time.

Things happened so fast.

Clearly outnumbered, Brandon waved his machete wildly and fiercely. "If I'm going to die, I'm taking one of you with me! I've done all that I can, Peter. This is it for me. I'll see you in the next life, brother!"

He knew that there was no way he could survive this fight. Still, he had no regrets.

Deeply moved by Brandon's courage, Peter was determined not to go down without a fight.

As the weapons were about to land on Brandon, Peter jumped as high as he could and kicked with all his might.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In a flash, Peter hit the six boys squarely on the chest, breaking their sternums. Blood poured out of their mouths as they screamed in agony.

Peter pulled his brother up with one hand, grabbed a stick with the other, and swung it around fiercely.

He knew that despite their intimidating front, the hooligans were all just scared teenagers who didn't want to get hurt. Otherwise, he would be holding a knife, not a stick.

There was another loud noise as six hooligans fell down, screaming and knocking back their companions behind them.

"I'm not dead?" Brandon asked in disbelief after Peter's rescue. He truly expected that he'd already be hacked to death.

"What? Do you really wanna die? Do you want me to kick your ass myself?" Peter said, rolling his eyes. With his stick, he knocked down a dozen more of the hooligans as he spoke.

Brandon didn't manage to respond.

'My brother is unbelievable. How could he have knocked down nearly twenty men in just a few seconds?'

Another six men fell as Peter's stick cracked from the impact.

Blood likewise gushed out of Peter as he also received some of the hooligans' blows.

Even though he was the mighty soldier king, he wasn't indestructible. Fighting with so many people while protecting Brandon, wasn't easy.

Fifty or sixty rushed in from behind them. With less than twenty meters between them, Peter and Brandon were trapped.

"Run! Get in the car! Quick!" Peter knew that things could not go on like this. He kicked the two men in front of them out of the way, pulled Brandon up and started running to the Hummer.

"Don't let them get away!" The hooligans shouted as they rushed madly towards the Hummer.


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