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My beautiful boss novel Chapter 82

Unable to do anything since the hitman was already dead, Peter informed Cassie of the things happened there and quickly left the place.

He didn't try to pursue the mysterious sniper, because he knew it was impossible to catch up with him from such a distance. He needed some other way to get to the boss who ordered the sniper and Dunn to do the assassinations.

Three days later, Bella's grandfather was cremated. Funeral was held where elites from the Golden City came to pay their respect to him.

For the next seven days, Bella observed mourning for him.

During this period, Peter guarded her secretly and inspected everyone suspicious who came to visit her, but he remained empty-handed. He was not able to find anything of that much importance to uncover the secret boss behind the murders.

Having taken ten days of mourning period, Bella returned to work, regaining her former CEO look of an icy beauty. She was perfect in covering her gloomy feelings by being a ruthless boss.

However, she didn't expect that there was a storm awaiting her.

Jaden had collected 49% of shares of Silverland Group secretly, claiming to dismiss Bella from president and chairman post with the help of his lawyer. It was a well-planed scheme played at the precious moment.

When Bella was confronted with Jaden's challenge, she was stunned to her core, perplexed and she felt as if her heart was sinking with grueling pain. This cunning fox finally gave away his ambition. Bella knew he was plotting for something, but she was not cleared what was it. She didn't expected him to reach to such a low level. Whenever she saw that hateful face, she suffered from a deep urge of slapping him tightly. But circumstances were not in her favor, her anger was forcing her to do something violent but she knew it would do her no good. So, it was a constant battle between her heart and her mind.

Her grandfather had just passed away, and his body was not even cold, but Jaden used this opportunity to undermine her, which was the greatest disrespect to her deceased grandfather.

Bella was also shocked by the fact that Jaden was able to acquire 49% of stakes in shares of the group without anyone getting a wind about it. How did it all happen? He must be planning it for a long time.

The truth was, her grandfather had only 47% of shares with him when he was alive.

Jaden was well-prepared. He had done his home-work before coming over here, so he was confident to challenge Bella with his 49% of shares when the time was right. He knew that how much her grandfather was expected to pass on to her. By doing his research, he became aware about it but there was loophole in his research.

He didn't know that besides 47% shares passed on to her from her grandfather, Bella also held another 4% of the shares that her grandfather had gifted her few years ago. This total was sure going to turn the tables in front of Jaden.

When the files of 51% of shares were placed in front of Jaden, he became disappointed and ashen-faced. He couldn't believe his eyes for all he knew it was not possible to happen. So, he kept checking and rechecking the files for multiple times, not until he got tired.

The rumors were that the remaining 4% of shares were scattered among individual investors and nobody knew who they were. Wasn't it the truth? How could they end up falling in Bella's lap? It was making him all confused. All the efforts that he had placed in the schemes until now went in to vain.

It was not until now that Jaden knew Bella's grandfather was wily and wisdom, and he had been also prepared for the worst situation. He was a smart old man, thinking through all the scenarios possible and neutralizing them before they could be fully played.

This crisis was handled and everything went back on track without creating that much of an ill-effect on the company.

But the hatred and contradiction between the two biggest shareholders of the company, Bella and Jaden, were open and obvious. And within a period of few days, the whole city was aware of their hatred.

Bella knew well enough that she had to do anything to take back Jaden's part of shares in order to kick him out from the company, otherwise soon, Silverland Group would be messed up by him. And she couldn't let that happen.

Seeing her grandfather's lifelong efforts destroyed by this bastard was the last thing she wanted to do.

Peter was not accustomed to these business games, so he could only support Bella in his heart. He didn't know what he could do to help her. This was completely new domain for him. But he had every confidence in Bella's ability, believing that she wouldn't get defeated by Jaden. She had enough experience and she was wise enough to handle it by herself.

"Peter, I need you to work in the Security Department, as the new director. We must control this position from the start, otherwise this situation could get out of our hands."

Bella called Peter over and told him in a serious tone. This post seemed crucial to her at that time for saving her company from Jaden's wrath.

Bella seemed more mature and colder after what she had gone through, but she was also more charming at the same time.

There was a dominant character engraved deep inside her, mixed with aggressiveness, which stimulated people's desire to conquer. So, filled with these traits, she was ready to conquer her company.

"OK." Though he wanted to say no to her, he couldn't find it in himself to refuse her. So finally, he agreed.

He felt bitter in his heart, because his original plan was to become an ordinary guy, chasing after girls, enjoying drinking and having fun, not the one with such high rank in a reputed company. This dream seemed impossible to him for now. But he couldn't lose hope. He had to try.

"Thank you, Peter. I understand that you don't want to get involved in the conflict, but I have no other choice. You are the only one that I trust in this company. And I don't know who else to trust. I hope you can understand this.


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