Five minutes later, the six contestants split into teams, and the director of the show grabbed a megaphone and announced, "Congratulations to all the trainees for earning the approval of our three devil instructors. In the upcoming filming, if you face any challenges or have any requests, feel free to seek help from your instructors!"
As soon as he finished speaking, the guests, who had been roasting under the scorching sun for 40 minutes and gone through three rounds of rigorous assessments, were visibly parched and starving.
"Instructor, could we get some water, please?"
The show's director then added, "But that doesn't include asking instructors for food or water, or to help with your tasks!"
Groans filled the air; that was as good as saying nothing at all! No wonder it is Adventure Blitz: Two Days, One Night—always pushing the guests through absolute hell!
The director then declared, "Now, we're going to play a game called 'Tag of War'!"
"There are six tags on this table, each bearing a secret number from 1 to 6. If you draw the tag with number 1, your tag is worth 1 point. If someone tears it off, you're out, and the person who eliminates you earns that point. The higher the number, the bigger the target on your back. Let's see who emerges victorious!"
"Doesn't that make the person who draws 6 points an easy target?" Martin spotted the key issue. "Like a sitting duck, right? Everyone's going to gang up on them!"
"Exactly, the higher numbers carry higher risks. Sometimes, luck is part of your strength. Now, please start drawing your tags!"
"Can I ask my instructor to draw for me?" Rachel raised her hand. "I'm notoriously unlucky."
The director nodded, "You may seek help from your instructor."
"William, could you help me out here?"
"No problem." William approached the table, hesitated for a moment, then picked the second tag which revealed, "3 points!"
"Not bad, thanks, Instructor!"
The readers' comments on the novel: My Beloved Has Risen from Death's Embrace