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My Bestfriend's Brother Shouldn't Know How I Taste free chapter novel Chapter 103

Bailey's pov

It was getting late, dark and I knew my parents didn't need to worry about another kid right now. I fished out my phone and texted mom that I was fine and would be home in a second. My eyes caught their many missed calls, and I bit my lip, hoping I had not worried them too much.

I caught other missed calls from Kaleb and Mirabella too, but, I couldn't bring myself to text back. I wasn't sure how I could break it to them that my life was falling apart. That if my sister was in pain, then that meant I was in pain too.

And if something happened to her, I swallowed. Then something happened to me too.

The park was empty now, everyone had already gone home. I peeled away from the swing, my bum a bit numb from sitting on it for hours. My throat was achy from crying and I cleared it, picking up my bag.

And that's when I heard it, or better yet felt it behind me. I am about to whirl around, but I am too late as a huge hand clamp around my lower face with a rag. My eyes widen as they roughly pull me to them, and I opened my mouth to scream but couldn't.

I thrash, my hands reaching to scratch at their face, my nails scrapping against the skin but still, the person wouldn't let me go. Clamping an arm around my middle they began to drag me, grunting.

My heart pounds and tears prick my eyes when I realize I am getting kidnapped. I tried to not breathe in the smell of the rag they held over my nose since I have watched many thriller movies with Mira, but soon my lungs burned for air and I could no longer hold off unless I want to die.

So I took in a lungful of air, crying as I knew that now I had lost the fight.

My vision began to blur, the familiar park now morphing into a sinister scenery of shadows that made panic surge inside me. Fear clenched its ugly fingers around my rapidly beating heart and I whimper, trying to fight off whoever this was.

The more I fought, the quicker I am succumbing to the effects of whatever was in that rag. My body is swiftly getting heavy and my limbs no longer feel responsive. The world around me soon turns dark and cold.


I woke up with a pinch of pain in my neck, my limbs felt extremely achy. I groaned and it came out muffled as my mouth was stuffed with something and there was a tape over my lips, keeping my mouth shut.

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