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My Big-Buck Ex Won't Let Me Go novel Chapter 45

Hearing Windy's question, Shawn became silent all of a sudden. He didn't expect that his grandfather's words and unfinished words would affect the relationship between him and Carol, so for a moment, he thought it was better not to know.

"Forget it." In fact, he thought Windy would choose to say it or not by herself.

"Forget it." Windy gave a bitter smile. Shawn had already given her the answer. He was afraid that if she told him those words, it would affect his relationship with Carol. He really cared about her so much!

The attempt failed. Windy also understood that her sister was indeed important in the heart of Shawn. She was so important that he, a man who loved to get to the bottom of the matter, dared not to explore the truth.

"Sure enough, the person you care most is always my sister." Windy was in a very low mood at the moment. She didn't realize that there was a strong jealousy in her words.

Hearing her words, Shawn was first stunned, and then came to his senses. He looked at Windy and asked with a smile, "Windy, are you jealous?"

"What?" Windy was stunned for a while and then realized something. She looked at Shawn with a guilty conscience, but her expression was obviously tough. She said, "How is that possible? I won't be jealous for you."

Shawn still looked at Windy with a smile. He frowned and said meaningfully, "really? You won't be jealous for me? "

Windy didn't want Shawn to know that she was jealous of him, so she turned her head away. Even she herself felt that she was duplicity. "Of course not."

Looking at Windy's expression, Shawn felt happy for no reason. He always couldn't control himself to enjoy her temper. And now he felt more and more comfortable to be with her, far more relaxed, even happy than being with Carol!

Shawn was shocked by his own thoughts. How could he think that being with Windy was a kind of happiness? And compared with his beloved woman, was he crazy?

Then Shawn became awkward and didn't say much to Windy. He lay down on the bed and said, "sleep."

Hearing this, Windy turned to look at him and thought, 'what's wrong with this man? I was sleeping well just now, so he picked me up from the sofa and asked me something unimportant. Now he is sleeping, but I don't feel sleepy at all.' Even in this boundless darkness, Windy felt so lonely and helpless, even if the man she love was with her, she couldn't feel satisfied.

Standing up, Windy wanted to go back to the sofa to sleep, but she felt her wrist was held by a warm big hand in the darkness. Then the owner of the big hand pulled her to the bed with great strength, and a magic voice rang in her ear, "Windy, sleep with me."

Windy widened her eyes in disbelief. Looking at the handsome face in front of her through the moonlight, her heart beat faster. Didn't she hear it wrong just now?

Realizing what he had said, Shawn felt a little unbelievable. He looked at Windy and couldn't imagine how he had said something wrong?

However, after saying that, he didn't take it back. After a while, he just said in an awkward cold voice, "do you want to sleep on the sofa for the rest of your life?"

Chapter 45 Stay With Me 1

Chapter 45 Stay With Me 2


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