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My billionaire husband spoils me too much novel Chapter 229

 Outside, black clouds were rolling over in the sky, and the wind blew so violently that the branches shook and pulled.

The fallen leaves and dust were swept up by the wind, and it was dark outside.

And the golden lightning suddenly lit up the dark sky, followed by a rumble.

The thunder was deafening, and the night was very terrifying.

Christina looked out of the window, feeling uneasy.

“The weather is so bad.It looks like a typhoon…”

It was not appropriate to go out tonight.

The wind had been blowing since the morning, and the clouds were heavy and low.

It was unexpected that it hadn’t rained until evening.

The thick clouds seemed to be brewing a fierce storm.


She then reached out and closed all the windows and curtains in the bedroom.

As soon as she turned around, she remembered something else and called out, “Patrick”


The bedroom was quiet.

And it seemed even quieter because of the thunder outside.But Patrick didn’t respond.


She then suddenly became anxious and hurried over.

When she saw him still sitting by the bed, she breathed a sigh of relief and complained, “Patrick, I am calling you, didn’t you hear?”

Until she stood in front of him, he looked up and asked in a low voice, “What’s the matter?”

“I’ve called you three times!”

Christina then leaned down and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“I’m thinking about something.”

He seemed to say it casually, turning his head away, and he then added quickly in his usual calm voice, “Something about the company.”

“About the company? But why do I feel that you are hiding something from me?”

He must lie! She didn’t finish her words.And she just looked straight into his eyes and she became more nervous and panicked.

She then raised her voice and shouted at him angrily, “I told you before, whenever I call you, you must answer me! Patrick, don’t you dare to forget.You, you can’t ignore me..”

He detected the upset in her voice.

Christina was like this.

Even if she was timid, she would only remind him that he could never ignore her.

Only she dared to speak to him like this, and he would subconsciously indulge her willfulness.

He just wanted her to do whatever she wanted.And he did not want her to be wronged.Under his protection, she could be unscrupulous and carefree.

“When did I ignore you?”

He then reached out and pulled her to sit on his legs.He looked at her, seeing that her angry expression had become hesitant.

Actually, she would express all her emotions and now she was really at a loss.

“Something went wrong in the company” He looked into her eyes and whispered, “I’m telling you the truth.”

“Then when we had breakfast this morning, were you thinking about this too?”


This time, he turned his gaze away.

Hearing his words, she was skeptical.

But soon she tilted her body and put her hands around his neck.

Looking at him, she couldn’t help but feel sad for no reason.

Maybe he was really tired recently.

“My aunt cooked dinner for me last night.We sat together and enjoyed dinner.It was a very ordinary home-cooked meal.”

Now she calmed down and then told him these things.She didn’t know why she would say that.

But she just wanted to tell him.

“My auntie told me a lot.She said that I was not worthy of people like you.I’ll be wronged if I marry you…”

His body became a little tense.

But she didn’t seem to be dispirited while speaking.

She then added, “When I first married into the Hopkins family, I was indeed worried”

Right now, she buried her head on his left shoulder.

His shoulders were broad and reassuring.

And he was fine she had taken his temperature with a thermometer just now.

“Look, even the famous Mr.Shepherd in A City has been bullied by me all day.Why should I be worried anymore?”

At this point, there was a hint of mischief in her words.

Because she later understood that this family was really strange and restrained to her, but she knew that Patrick would always support her.

No matter what she did or said wrong, he would be there to help her.

With him, why should she be worried and timid? He did not expect her to say this to him, nor did he understand what she meant by that.

The love between men and women was too complicated for him, but when he heard this, he was quite surprised and happy.

She was not good at saying those sweet words.

And at this time, her cheeks turned red and she raised her head to pretend to be serious.

“Are you hungry? Should I ask Nanny Faang to bring dinner up now…”

“No need”


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