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My billionaire husband spoils me too much novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“The door has not been locked!He was angry with his rough voice

“Where is the person?”

Alter Cecilia finished tidying up her clothes her face turned pale. And she immediately ran over.

There is nobody in the corridor.

**Did I see a shadow here just now?”

One of them doubted.

“Maybe I was wrong. The privacy of customers is specially protected in the bar. What’s more, special protection is

provided on the 35th floor…”

“There should be cameras in the

corror and clevators. Who is the boss? I’ll find him.’ Cecilia veemed to be proud but she was still a little worried

When other people heurd her words, their expressions changed “Cecilia, I’ve heard that the boss may be… the young master of Hopkins Family.”


I couldn’t let him know it. Absolutely


The panic attacked Cecilia for a moment but soon her face turned

cold. She shouted at the actors, “Remember that I was only forced to corne here today..”

They were puzzled. But when they saw

have nervous Cecilia will, something came to their mind

Could it be that the mysterious Supporter was…

“Why are you still standing here? Find the person! Did anyone cavesdrop outside the door just now?’ Cecilia felt Uneasy, so she shouted at them.

“Hey.let me go, I don’t know you!”

Meanwhile, Christina was struggling to Scape the strange man in the men’s room, which was located in the left corridor of the 35th floor of the bar.

Just now, she was eavesdropping outside Cecilia’s roon. She was almost Vred to death when she siw that the people inside rushed out to catch her

Suddenly a strange man appeared and draced her to the men’s room.


The man was very forceful. His voice was hoarse with the smell of alcohol, and he seemed not to be sober. He grabbed her neck with his right hand and pushed her hard Christina was against the wall

“L.I’minot Cecilia..”

Christina was pushed into a narrow cell, and it was hard for hertoresist the man who suppressed her.

She pressed hard against his chest, but the man was very excited. His cres were bloodshot and he glared at Christina, which made her a little chilly.

Cecilia. you bitch”

Heshouted in a hoarse voice. And then he stretched out his right hand to slam

the door

Seeing his cyes which were full of hatred and suppressed desire, Christina was scared. She hurriedly shouted for help but she was in vain.

The Clistomers were experienced and they wouldn’t interfere in private



She reached out to keep the door open. But her fingers were clamped ärid she screamed in pain

With the final click, the thick door was


Christina was trapped in this small space. The nerves of the fingertips arc linked with the heart and her face

turned pale because of her fingers.

At this moment, she was panicked by the man who was full of the smell of alcohol. She looked around nervously, but she didn’t know what to do right


“Really … I am not Cecilia” She spoke again, hoping that the man would be soberer.

Perhaps he was so excited that he

didn’t hear her at all. He seized her by

the throat with increasing strength

“Cecilia, it was you who cut off my part

in the drama, wasn’t it?

His cyes were getting deeper and hotter. He seemed to be acting on impulse

All of a sudden, he pressed Christina down on the closestool “You bitch, don’t you forget that when you first entered the entertainment circle Six years ago, you knelt down to beg me.”

Christina saw that he took off his pants and she was panicked. She was disgusted, so she grabbed the toilet paper and the stand and threw them at him

HOWEVE, sceing her resistance, he was

more excited. He pressed her with his heavy body Christina leaned back on the closesstool, suppressing the lear

“You said that I cut off your part, sol apologize to you. I can give you whatever you want.”

Christina Said quickly. She pretended to be Cecilia and negotiated with the


“Cecilia, you’re on the top. Everyone in the circle has to respect you. You can get any role or be any spokeswoman of advertisement you want, can’t you?”

He looked down at her, getting more and more excited. “Bitch!”

With a snap, he slammed hard anainst

hercheck with his thick palm.

“I know that you hooked up with the young master of Hopkins Family, so you could do whatever you want with

the support of Patrick,” he burst out lauching And his Laughter was terrifying

“Listen, I’m not begging you! You have to obey me.”

“If you resist, I’ll tell Patrick about your

plastic surgery.

Christina’s face was aching from his beatingAlthough the drunk man seemed to be a little vaguc, she was shocked once hearing the words “plastic surgery”

The man ahead looked at her beautiful

face. He felt passionate with desire in

his eyes, and he was about to bend down to kiss her.

“Fuck off!

Christina turned her head and pushed him iww.dy with both handk.

“Cecilia, if you dare to refuse me, I will tell Patrick immediately that you are not the woman whose photo is in his pocket watch.”


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