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My billionaire husband spoils me too much novel Chapter 852

"He suddenly appeared that I thought it was a thief, but I seemed to have scared him, so the crystal bowl broke," Christina explained briefly.

"Is that crystal bowl meaningful to him?"

No matter how numb Christina was, she could tell that Henry treasured that bowl.

May kept staring at the bloodstains left at the door and said, "At that time, we lived a poor life in F Country. That was the first gift I gave him."

Christina suddenly felt so sorry about that.

"What brand and model is that bowl?" She asked gingerly, thinking of going to the supermarket to buy dozen of it as compensation.

May smiled at her helplessly, "That factory closed down."

Perhaps it was destined. He wouldn't have to bring breakfast to her every day, and he would have time to do something that matters.

Christina nodded at May stiffly, and then she turned around and left. After walking downstairs step by step, she jumped into the car, ran red lights all the way, and rushed back to the Hopkins family.

She knocked on the study door with her head and cried sadly, "Patrick, help me."

Patrick rubbed his temples. He didn't know why his wife was getting more and more troublesome.

Patrick thought that the idea of bringing breakfast every day was quite disgusting, but Christina was still crying miserably outside the study.

Patrick didn't want to interfere in their affair, but Christina successfully worn him down and he sent a surveillance video to May's phone.

May received a short video from an unknown number.

She didn't click on it.

She had always been prudent. She would ignore these unknown messages directly because she was afraid that her phone would be hacked if she clicked on them.

However, not long after, she received another text message, "You must marry him within three days, or I'll let him go back to F Country."

(Who sent it? What did this person mean?)

Because Henry cut his finger and bled this morning, May had been a little absent-minded all day.

The sudden came text message was puzzling to her. The person who sent this seemed to be threatening her to do something.

May ignored the message. The next morning, she paid attention to the movement outside the door and waited for more than two hours, but Henry did not come.

Once you got used to something, it was hard to quit it.

Henry didn't come to bring her breakfast. She was in a trance all morning and made mistakes at work. She couldn't help but worry if something had happened to him.

"Be careful."

The hot coffee she had just made almost poured on her. Tony reacted quickly and steadied the cup for her.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Tony was worried about her, "I've been observing you by the side all morning. You seem to be a little spaced out."

May smiled awkwardly at him, "Thank you."

Ever since Tony suddenly proposed to her that day, she had been avoiding him. Every time she saw him, she made a detour deliberately.

"Did what happened last time scare you?" Tony walked out of the pantry side by side with her. He said apologetically, "I didn't mean to. I hope you don't mind..."

Tony didn't dare to expose Christina and Charles, so he had to carry the can.

"It's okay." She smiled at him.

She didn't take what happened last time seriously because she didn't think it was a big deal.

"May I ask you out for dinner tomorrow?" He suddenly said.

May subconsciously wanted to refuse. "I just want to treat you to dinner as a friend, and I also want to apologize to you for the false alarm last time." Tony looked at her sincerely.

"You often come to our engineering department to look for the after-sales technician, so you can't keep avoiding me. Even if we have no fate to be a couple, we can still be friends."


The readers' comments on the novel: My billionaire husband spoils me too much