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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 0118 

I gave her a thumbs up, then downed both shots. I looked around for Eric, who was getting another drink from the girl he was currently talking to. He looked around and when he spotted me, he held up the drink and two fingers

I looked around for someone else that might help me. A guy in his 40s maybe was passing behind me and I waved at him. Sir, could I interest you in buying me a drink?” 

He frowned at me. I think you’ve had enough,he said and kept walking

It’s for a bet!I called after him, but he ignored me. I blew a raspberry in his direction and turned back to 

the bar

Eric walked up to me. You doing okay?He said, a smile creeping at the corners of his lips

I’m doing very well,I said, starting to slur my words. I think I’m winning.” 

He tried to suppress his smile. Yeah, I’d say you are. Do you want to stop and declare a winner ma little worried about your liver at this rate.” 

Pfffft, no way, you need a chance to catch up,I looked around the bar. At that moment, an upbeat country song that I loved came on the jukebox. I grabbed Eric’s arm. Ohhh, I love this song! Dance with me!” 

Oh, uhokay,Eric said, helping me off the stool. I leaned on him very heavily, as the room suddenly started moving around like a gyroscope. Are you sure you can dance?” 

Oh, yes, I’m very good at it,I nodded

He laughed. I meant, are you able to stand upright long enough to dance?” 

Oh,I shrugged. Guess we’ll find out!” 

Eric helped me walk to the dance floor. I leaned on him and lead him in a twostep. It felt very well done to drunk me, but sober me guesses it was quite the sloppy train wreck. Still, Eric was a perfect gentleman and held onto me for dear life so I wouldn’t fall over

The song ended and we stopped, I pouted at him. Heyyy.” 

I didn’t end it,he said. How you feeling? Do you want to keep dancing?” 

I gave him a big head nod

Alright, you got it.” 

I waited for the next song to start and gasped when it did. It was quite the opposite, a rap song from the 90s, but it was another one fo my favorites

This is going to require a table,I said, moving to the nearest empty one

A what?He asked, sounding mildly panicked

A table,I said, the duhimplied

For what?He said


Chapter 0110 

+25 BONUS 

You’ll see,I said. I pulled off the denim jacket I was wearing and threw it across the bar. I was vaguely aware of a couple people yelling and ducking when the jacket came flying their way. I stood on one of the chairs to help myself up to the table. I started feeling a little wobbly on it


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