Chapter 0120
+25 BONUS.
After circling nearby parking lots for several minutes, Dylan finally found a spot that wasn’t too terribly far from the bar. He walked the five minute trek over and found Logan outside of the bar, pacing. When Logan spotted Dylan he stopped pacing and walked swiftly over to him..
“Thanks for coming,” Logan said.
“Where is she?” Dylan asked. He still wasn’t sure this was the best idea, but he was starting to grow concerned over Hazel’s recent behavior too.
“Still inside,” Logan said. “I didn’t want to make her upset again by following her in.”
“How long has she been in there?”
Logan shrugged. “She went in just before I called you.
Dylan opened his phone to see when that call came in. Looked like it had been about thirty minutes. Thirty minutes, that’s probably enough time to get cleaned up, yeah?”
Logan shrugged again.
“Guess I’ll go in,” Dylan said, unsure of what else to do. He walked to the bar door and threw it open, a haze of smoke greeting him as he walked through. He looked around for Maria or Hazel but didn’t see either. He spotted the women’s bathroom in the corner and set himself on a stool that was in view of it, so he didn’t miss them when they finally came out.
After I determined I could not possibly expel anything else from my body, Maria helped me out of the bathroom.
She squinted and looked across the bar. “Is that…?”
I looked in the direction she was looking. I groaned when I saw who it was. It wasn’t the last person! wanted to see, but it was pretty damn close.
“Dylan,” I muttered.
Dylan looked up at that moment and spotted us. He waved and started heading towards us.
“Why is he here?” I moaned. “Why are they always here?”
“You know the answer to that,” Maria said. “Want me to stay or…?”
“I should probably talk to him alone,” I said. “I think I can get around okay!
“Okay. Send me a signal if you want me to come save you,” Maria said,
“Like this?” I shot double finger guns at her.
“Uh..sure,” she said. She left me where I stood and walked over to the bar.
“Hey,” Dylan said. “You okay?”
“What are you doing here? Did Logan have you come?
“Well, yes, but…”
Chapter 0120
I groaned and tried to storm off away from him, but I still had my sea legs. I ended up falling into him Instead. He wrapped his arms around me to keep me steady.
“Let. Me. Storm. Off,” I said, struggling against his arms.
“Okay,” he let me go. He crossed his arms and looked at me.
I shot him a dirty look. I stood still for a moment, sticking my arms out to the side for balance. I slowly dragged my left foot forward, then once I was steady after that I dragged my right foot forward.
“Okay, this is ridiculous,” he said, walking slowly beside me as I made my way over to the bar. “Yes, Logan sent me, but he’s concerned about you, Haze. He lowered his voice. “I am too.”
I stopped dragging my feet and turned to him.
“Can we please talk outside for a moment? I know I haven’t known you long but damn, you’ve really been through it in the time I have known you,” he said.
Tears welled up in my eyes. “I really have,” I said, wiping snot from my nose. Maria hadn’t answered my question about being pretty, but I could make a pretty good guess on that answer myself.
Instead of cringing in disgust like he should have, Dylan ran up to the bar and grabbed a couple napkins for me. I blew my nose into them.
“Why are you so nice to me?” I said between tears
“I care about you,” he said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and guided me towards outside. I tried to rest my head on his shoulder, but that made the room spin so I just leaned against him instead. I felt safe in his big, strong arms. And he smelled so good
I pressed my nose against his shirt and took a big whiff. “You smell good,” I mumbled.
He laughed as he pushed open the door and guided me out of the bar. I looked around. Looked like Logan was gone, thank God.
I pointed to a different bench from the one I threw up by. “We should sit there. Some drunk puked all around the other one.”
Dylan looked towards the vomit and scrunched his nose. “Yeah, so I heard.” He led me to the other bench and helped me sit.
“Okay,” he said. “Talk to me. Because you are acting pretty crazy right now. Did you really dance on a table?”
I shrugged. “A really good song came on.”
He suppressed a smile. “I know I haven’t known you all that long, but this seems really unlike you.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...