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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 0141 

+25 BONUS 

With help from Maria’s onagain work fling Mike, we could undoubtedly find some kind of incriminating evidence on Elena’s computer that would save me while implicating her. Emails with the caterers, perhaps

The only problem, of course, was my suspension. Technically, I was banned on Hatfield Supply property until this cleared up. If it cleared up

Maria noticed my sudden dip in enthusiasm. What’s wrong?” 

Megan shifted her focus to me now, as well. We’ve got a plan, right? Things are looking up?” 

I’m suspended.I reminded them

Mike and I can snoop without you,Maria offered

And take the blame, besides. I can’t let you do that.” 

Elena had seen what went down with Peter. She wasn’t the smartest person in the office, but she had major points in the conniving manipulation department. She’d be watching her own back

I’m sure I can chat her away from her desk,Maria said. Long enough for Mike to swoop in and do his thing.” 

Elena knows how close we are,I said. She’d never take the bait.” 

So you need the help of someone who she wouldn’t be able to say no to,Megan suggested. She crunched on a pizza roll, then waved the uneaten half toward me. You still got the CEO on speed dial?” 

No way in hell I could involve Logan in this. Him being implicated was the absolute worst thing that could happen. He was the only one who would be able to save Maria and Mike if they were caught snooping

No. Who we needed was someone with charm in spades. Someone Elena might be suspicious of, but wouldn’t be able to resist talking with, if the right incentive was flown around

I have someone else in mind,I said

Maria narrowed her eyes in suspicion, even as a smile tugged at her lips. Knight in Shining Armor #2?” 

Oh my god. Dylan?Megan said, leaning forward. Call him!” 

Grabbing my phone off the table, I looked up from it to the two sets of eager eyes watching my every 


No way would I be able to have this conversation with these two listening to my every breath

Things hadn’t exactly repaired themselves between Dylan and I in the days of our not talking. This phone call was guaranteed to be awkward as hell

I also felt like a real jerk for involving him in this. I had originally intended to keep him out of my troubles nowadays. But this wasn’t just my happiness at my job at stake. Hell, it wasn’t even just my job

If Jillian Hanson sued the company, everyone, including Logan, would be in hot water

Abruptly, I stood and rushed into the bathroom


+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0141 

Hazel!Maria said, giving chase. Megan laughed from the couch

I closed the bathroom door and locked it

I’m still going to listen!Maria called through the door

As long as I can’t see your excited glances!I shouted back

You’ll still know they’re there!” 

I ignored her as best as I could and dialed Dylan. I cleared my throat as it rang, mostly expecting it to go. to voicemail. Dylan was a busy lawyer, after all. Even though it was late, he was probably off doing important things

The phone clicked, I was ready for the robot to come on, to tell me to leave a message after the beep

Instead, Dylan said, Hazel?” 

Oh, shit. Uhhi” 

He paused a moment. I thought desperately of what to say to fill the void

Hi, yourself. It’s been a while. Everything okay?” 

Sort of?Where did I even begin? Have you talked to Logan lately?” 

Did something happen?His voice hardened. That meant no, he hadn’t talked to Logan

Dylan,I said. Are you sitting down?” 

Ten minutes later, I had conveyed most of events from our parting until this very moment, giving special focus to Sabrina and Elena, and this terrible plot that landed an innocent man in the hospital

Jesus,Dylan whistled. First of all, you should have called me sooner. But now that you have, I won’t hold that against you.” 

Does that mean you’ll help me?I asked, my heart jumping into my throat

Dylan laughed. Have I ever turned you down yet?” 

My hope skyrocketed. With Dylan in my corner, things didn’t seem quite so bleak anymore

Tell me what you need me to do,Dylan said

Okay.I clutched the phone with both hands. Thank you, Dylan. I mean it

On the other side of the bathroom door, Maria cheered

Logan stood just inside his front door, properly dressed in one of his newest fitted suits. He’d forgone a tie, leaving the top button undone instead

This is what you wanted, he reminded himself. Beyond this door was a car waiting to take him to the five- star restaurant to meet his date for the evening

His grandfather had been enthusiastic about this one. I’ve been wanting for a long time to have you meet her,he’d said on the phone

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0141 

Logan didn’t want to keep her waiting, yet he couldn’t quite make himself reach for the doorknob that would take him outside

Every time he almost moved, he thought of Hazel. Of her kind, caring eyes looking at him. At the soft press of her body when he’d held her. Of the heat of her mouth as they kissed


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