Chapter 0155
“Accidentally?” Logan asked. He wasn’t looking at me. With his cool CEO voice, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
I didn’t like the way Sabrina was side–eyeing me, smirking like this was all some big joke.
“Yes,” I confirmed. “Accidentally.” I motioned toward the datebook. “Where did you find it?”
“I found it,” Sabrina said. “In your trash can Friday night.”
And she couldn’t have mentioned that sooner? She had wanted me to go dumpster diving and embarrass .myself!
“In her trash can. You are sure of that?” Logan used the same tone of voice as he had with me on Sabrina. She didn’t seem to notice, too busy gloating in her perceived victory.
“Positive,” Sabrina said with a brilliant smile.
“That’s odd,” Logan said, suddenly looking at her. He lifted a single brow, feigning curiosity even as his gaze was sharp. “Since the security camera footage shows you stealing it from Hazel’s desk drawer.” Sabrina’s smile dropped in an instant. Her eyes went wide. “1… That is…” She swallowed hard. “There were cameras?”
“There are cameras everywhere.” Logan nodded toward the door. “Clean out your desk and be gone in ten minutes, Sabrina. I won’t have liars and cheats working for me. You’re fired.”
Sabrina’s whole face went red. “But, Sir, I-”
“Don’t make me call security.” Logan lifted the phone. I doubt that would look good with your temp agency. Oh, and don’t expect a recommendation.”
Sabrina continued to stutter. “I… But…” Eventually, after shooting me an accusatory glare, she turned and hurried from the room..
“Hazel, you stay a moment,” Logan said, when I had started to leave as well.
“Yes, Sir?” I considered him.
He lifted the datebook and coming back around the desk, he handed it to me. “Please utilize the lock on your desk drawer from now on. Don’t lose this again.”
I accepted the datebook and held it to my chest with both hands. “I won’t, Logan. Thank you.”
“Thank the footage,” he said, but his voice had thawed now. He wasn’t nearly as frosty as he had been with Sabrina just a moment ago. It was a warm comfort, knowing he at least viewed me in a different light than he did her.
Though I still worried. He had–bired Sabrina for a reason, and that reason hadn’t resolved itself. He didn’t want to deal with me directly. I doubted that opinion.had changed.
“Should I expect a replacement for Sabrina soon?” I asked.
Logan held my gaze for a long moment. I could not read his features and had no idea what to expect. The longer he stared, the more confused I was.
Chapter 0155
“No,” he said. “I suppose not.”
No? Did that mean I could have my old position back? As Logan’s chief assistant?
…Could I stop organizing these dates?
“Well discuss the shift in duties when you return this afternoon,” Logan said.
This afternoon? “Where am I going?”
“Home. To shower and change,” Logan said.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...