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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 16

“Please, I insist,” Logan pressed the money into her palm. She blushed.

“That is too kind…thank you sir,” she pocketed the money. “Please, let me know if there’s anything else I can get you.”

Logan nodded and she returned to stocking shelves.

Veronica returned moments later, carrying at least ten boxes of shoes. I didn’t even want to guess where the prices started on these.

She brought the first box over to me and took the shoes out of the box: tall, hot pink stilettos. I slid my flats off nervously. I hoped they didn’t want to see the shoes in action. There was no way I’d be able to walk in them.

Veronica cringed slightly when she saw my feet, which made me blush. They were not ready for human eyes to see. I was in desperate need of a nail trim and I had calluses on the sides of my big toes.

“Let me get you some pantyhose,” she said, running off again.

I blushed harder and hid my feet under my chair until she returned. She put the hose on me, then the shoes. She looked at me expectantly, but I remained seated in my chair, staring back at her. Then she grabbed me by the hands and hoisted me up out of the chair.

Time stood still as I froze in place, slightly crouched, arms stretched straight out with Veronica’s hands still in mine. I was pretty proud of myself for being able to stand with those very tall, skinny shoes, but it was only temporary. As soon as Veronica let go my ankles began to quiver and I could feel myself falling over.

Logan leapt out of his chair and threw his arms around me to catch me. I fell into him with my face and hands landing on his chest. Not exactly a soft place to land, but I certainly wasn’t complaining.

He scooped me up and returned me to my chair. “Maybe we’ll just try the shoes on sitting down, hmm?”

I nodded, too stunned to really say anything, hoping he didn’t hear my heart pounding in my chest. This man had really just caught me, then scooped my up into his arms. It was like a fairytale.

“I just need a second to…” cool down, I thought, then shook my head. “Uh, to soothe these nerves.”

I chugged the rest of my champagne. Damn, that was just about the hottest thing a man had ever done for me. I took a deep breath. “Okay. Next pair.”


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