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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 167

Chapter 0167 

A wedding chapel?Rachel repeated, faking a gasp

+25 BONUS 

Yes,Natalie said, smiling like a cat. She so clearly pleased to have the full attention of my friends that she placed her phone down. After the proposal, Chance and I returned to the hotel room and had our fun. We were there forhours, just the two of us.” 

My stomach twisted uncomfortably from our hiding spot. I was well over my feelings for Chance, but thinking about him and my sister together sexually made me want to vomit

Anyway,Natalie blessedly continued, After a while, I went searching for Hazel. She never came back to the room, you see. Since this was toward the end of our trip, I had already made a few friends at some 

bars and other placesThey’re the ones who told me they spotted my sister.” 

Where?Megan asked

I heard she was getting utterly shitfaced in a hotel bar. How embarrassing, right?Natalie said with a sharp smirk. Her poor little heart was so broken that she couldn’t even go to a real place. I also heard she made an ass out of herself there, being loud and excitable. What a disgrace.” 

Natalie didn’t seem all that upset about my apparent humiliation. In fact, she seemed to lavish in trashing my good name. Unfortunately, I didn’t exactly have all my memories in order to be able to dispute her claims

Supposedly some idiot in the bar did take a liking to her. The next thing I heard, she was getting married. Natalie started to giggle. It took several attempts for her to get the next part out, Can you imagine? Who on earth would want to marry my sister! They would have had to be so drunk. If they were even reall” 

You don’t know who it was?Megan asked

An imaginary friend, most likely,Natalie laughed. Anything goes in Vegas. I’m just surprised they didn’t haul her off to some psychiatric hospital afterwards. Lord knows she needed it!” 

Rachel was having trouble schooling her face through this conversation, but at this, her façade finally broke for real. Natalie, you are a real bitch and

Maria and I looked at each other and then rushed into the room before any more words could be spoken. We’re back!Maria announced

Natalie looked away from Rachel, who bit her tongue now, and to us instead

Well?Natalie asked

Well?I repeated, not understanding

What did you get?Natalie said. She held her hand out, motioning toward me. You aren’t holding anything.” 

Oh, shit. We should have made a bline for my room to take something, anything, and not look so suspicious

Maria glanced at me, panic in her eyes. I thought quickly

Chapter 0167 

© +25 BONUS 

It wasn’t there,I said. “I must have lost it.” 

Natalie laughed once, in mockery. That’s like you, Hazel. You can never hold onto anything especially 


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