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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 20


I walked into the office and dropped my purse onto my desk. I was wide awake now. Trying to sleep would be pointless.

I gathered my notebook and pen and walked down to Logan’s office to grab some documents. I needed a distraction, and planning this ceremony seemed perfect for that. Maybe I’d score some brownie points with Logan too, for working so hard to get this done.

I opened the door to Logan’s office and jumped. At the same time, Logan, shirtless and lifting weights, also jumped.

“Oh!” We both exclaimed in unison.

I lowered my eyes. “Sir, I am so sorry, I had no idea you were in here.”

“What are you doing here?” He set the weights on the ground and picked up a towel to pat his face dry. He didn’t say it angrily, like I expected. It sounded more like…concerned?

I snuck a peek back up at him. His bare torso was glistening with sweat, which only enhanced his chiseled features. His firm pecs and six-pack abs heaved in and out with each breath Logan took. I had no idea this perfection existed under the suits he normally wore.

I looked away again. This felt so invasive, liked I’d glimpsed a side of Logan no one else was supposed to see. No one at work anyway. And besides, if I kept looking at him I was afraid my eyes and tongue would pop out of my head like a cartoon animal.

“I…I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I would start working on your welcome ceremony,” I said. “You’re here late.”

“Working out at the office helps me to be prepared mentally for whatever the next day has to throw at me,” he said. “Go get some rest, you’ll need it for tomorrow.”

“Yes sir,” I said, exiting the office and pulling the door shut behind me.

I sat at my desk, the image of a shirtless, ripped Logan still fresh on my mind. I shook my head, trying to get the image out so I could focus on work. I opened my notebook and made a list of everything we would need for an amazing welcome ceremony: catering, decorators, musicians…

Sounds like I’m planning a wedding, I thought glumly. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get to plan an actual wedding.

Mine, that is. Not my sister’s. I imagined she would have several weddings, the way she ran through men.


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