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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 0216 

I stared at Logan and the bouquet, unsure if this was real. All day today, he’d seemed content to ignore me. Of course, I’d also ignored him. But for the silent treatment to actually work on someone as stubborn as Logan seemed like a longshot

I couldn’t help but feel suspicious

I’m an asshole,Logan said

True.I said quickly

Logan sighed. To himself, he mumbled, I wish everyone wouldn’t agree to that so readily.He shook his head, as if clearing it. May I come in? There’s a lot I want to talk about and apologize for, and I’d rather not do it standing in the hallway.” 

Fine.I opened the door farther and allowed him space to enter

Still carrying the bouquet, he stepped inside. When he reached my coffee table, he turned around to face 

  1. me

I closed the door, locked it, and waited. I made no move toward him. Not yet. Not until he did a lot of explaining, and it had better be a good explanation 

Crossing my arms, I said, Well?” 

He nodded, took a breath, and began, When I offered yesterday, to take care of everything for you, it was only because I wanted you to live a comfortable life without strife. I didn’t realize how…. insulting my offer was, to someone with so much pride

But the more I thought of it, the more I realized how alike we truly are deep down, despite our separate classes. I tried to imagine how I would react if anyone had made me the offer I had made to you, and I realized my mistake.” 

You would hate it,I said

Yes,Logan said. I would find it insulting too. I would think the person who offered it thought I was incompetent. Or lazy. Or both. You and I, we want to make our own ways.” 

So far, so good, though I wondered what helped him come around to this way of thinking. Had he truly just considered all of this on his own, as he was suggesting

I want to take care of you, Hazel. It’s a natural instinct, Logan said. But more than that, I want to support you as you take care of yourself.” 

As far as apologies went, this wasn’t terrible. I stepped away from the door and moved closer to him

I’m your wife,I said, But I’m also a member of the working class. I want to forgive you, but I can’t if tomorrow, we go right back in and everything stays the same. I have to stay true to who I am.” 

Logan straightened a little. I will never attempt to change who you are. In fact, I like how you challenge me, Hazel. As for work…. 

I realized that there are two sides to this disagreement at work. My grandfather’s. And yours. I’m so used to obeying my grandfather’s every wish that for a while, I couldn’t even see your side as an option. But


Chapter 0216 

+25 BONUS 

see it now. Tomorrow, I’m going to set it right.” 

I moved closer still. Slowly, I reached out and accepted the flowers from his hands. Moving them closer to my face, I inhaled. They smelled so good

My heart warmed at his words and this gesture

I’d feel a hell of a lot better when the calls had been made and Logan made good on his promises her tonight. But for now, this was so much more than I had been expecting

Truly, I missed him today. Staying away from him, even when angry, was much harder than it should have been

I guessed I was attached to him now, so stuck that I didn’t think I could leave even if I tried. The heart wanted what it wanted, and my heart wanted Logan

Thank God he wasn’t in the habit of breaking his promises

Even so.. 

This was a pretty fast turn around, especially for you,I said. Logan was one of the most stubborn men I’d ever met. If he didn’t want to do something, no force on earth could make him. Did something happen?” 

Logan shrugged a little, looking guilty

Logan?I pushed

I called Dylan.” 

What?I startled

He set me straight.” 

Does that mean you two are friends again?” 

I don’t know. I don’t think so, not fully. But it’s better than it was.” 

That was something, at least. And with that starting point, they could continue working to rebuild their friendship. I was so relieved, so glad, that my smile stretched wide

Logan….My tone was totally different now, I could hear so myself. My anger had fully dissipated and only admiration remained

Hearing it, he smiled too, and stepped toward me, halving the few remaining inches between us. This close, I had to look up at him to gaze into his eyes

sing his warmth 

Gently, he lifted his hand and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his palm, chasing 

I held the flowers off to the side so I could fully close the distance without crushing them. Logan weaved an arm around my waist, pulling me closer until our chests lined together, my softness against his hardness

He lowered his mouth down and captured my lips. It was Heaven

I moaned and he licked his way into my mouth. Our tongues danced for a time, until we needed to breathe. We parted then, but only long enough to take a breath before we delved back in

Chapter 0216 

+25 BONUS 

I was totally lost to him and his mouth and the strength of his arm at my waist

I wanted to kiss him forever. Or at least for the rest of the night

Forgetting about the flowers, I tossed them onto the couch. Then I wrapped my arms around Logan’s neck, holding him closer so that our kisses could continue. He should know that the way I wanted him rivaled the way he wanted me

We pawed at each other over our clothes. I traced my fingers down all the hard ridges of his muscles. His free hand reached and cupped my breast

I dropped my head back, loving the press of his hand on me


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