Chapter 0226
Despite all of my hoping that time would freeze or Tina would cancel on her own, the day of Logan and Tina’s date eventually arrived.
I was a ghost all day at work, barely present, barely conscious. I moved on auto–pilot. I finished my work. okay, but mentally, I was totally checked out.
My thoughts were entirely consumed by images of what could happen on this date between Logan and
Even though my work didn’t suffer, Logan still noticed my distraction. Once, he even walked behind me and chanced placing a hand on my shoulder. He squeezed while gently rubbing his thumb across the base of my neck.
He was trying to comfort me, but I’d only truly feel better once this horrible night
ight was over.
That night, after work, I went straight to Logan’s house to help him get ready, though mostly I sat on his bed and watched him pick out a nice suit. He held up a pair of shirts for me to pick from, one blue and one green. I picked the blue, albeit somewhat begrudgingly. He really did look good in that blue shirt.
Logan went through all the motions. I turned my head as he changed. It felt wrong to watch somehow. Logan was my husband, but… knowing he was preparing for a date with someone else turned my stomach. I didn’t want to subconsciously connect the joy of seeing him shirtless with that ugly feeling.
Logan changed in a hurry. When I looked at him again, he buttoned his shirt the whole way up to the top, hiding his collarbone.
“Should I wear cologne?” he said
“Why ask me?”
“So I don’t overstep,” he replied.
This whole thing was a massive overstep. Even if it was necessary, he couldn’t think there was anything he could do that would make me feel more comfortable with this short of canceling the whole thing
Still, I grumbled, “No cologne.”
“Okay,” he said and went to the bathroom to fix his hair. When he returned to the bedroom, his hair was combed back.
I tried to convince myself that he was going to some work related meeting of conference.
This wasn’t a date with a beautiful, wealthy woman. It wasn’t. It couldn’t be.
But then why did I still feel like I was about to lose him?
“Hey,” he said, looking at me. He held open his arms. “Come here.”
I hesitated. “I could transfer my perfume onto you.”
“So be it,” Logan said. He inched closer. “Come here. Please.”
At his insistence, my willpower crumbled. I stood and stepped into the warmth of his arms that closed around me. He tugged me tightly to his chest. Instinctively, my eyes closed and I sunk into him. I wrapped
Chapter 0225
my arms around his waist. And buried myself in his closeness, as close as I could get.
“You are my wife,” he said. “Tonight isn’t going to change that.”
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...