Chapter 0024
My mouth dropped at Dylan’s statement. As close as Dylan and Logan seemed to be, why would Logan hide something this big from him? Maria would be the first person I would go to the second I was engaged. Why was everything that involved this marriage such a big secret to everyone, including Logan’s closest friends?
“I can’t believe you didn’t even tell me,” Dylan said, a twinge of hurt in his voice.
“It was, uh…rushed,” Logan stammered. He lowered his voice, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s cool man, just don’t do that with marriage number two, alright?” Dylan laughed it off.
Logan half–smiled and shook his head. “Alright, I promise.”
Dylan’s demeanor immediately jumped back to happy. “So, tell me about her! Who is she? How did you meet? When did the King of the Bachelors decide to finally settle down?”
“We’ll talk later,” Logan said, casting a glance my direction. I felt a little hurt that he didn’t want to share that information in front of me, as much planning and organizing and shopping as I’ve done for this relationship.
But on the other hand, I was glad to be spared the details. I was not a huge fan of love stories at this moment in my life.
“You’re being so weird about this, bro,” Dylan said. “Hazel, this man is charading as Logan Hatfield. The Logan I know is not the relationship type. He prefers to sit back and let as many ladies throw themselves at him as possible.”
“Oh?” I said, suddenly uncomfortable with the subject. conquests, and I certainly wasn’t sure how to act while
to me.
didn’t want to hear about Logan’s many
listened to them with the man sitting right next
Oh. It suddenly hit me. No wonder he was recruiting so many people to help him plan dates and gifts for her. He’d never had to for a woman before.
“None of us ever thought he would stick to one, much less marry her,” Dylan continued. “Seriously man, what did you do? Run away to Vegas together?”
“Something like that,” Logan muttered, seemingly equally uncomfortable with talking about it as I was hearing it.
“Alright, I’ll stop with the questions. As your lawyer, however, I do need to ask you some legal questions.”
Logan groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Oh stop,” Dylan said. “Tell me about the prenup. Just the highlighte
at the very least gotten my help with that first.”
What does it entail? You could have
Logan hesitated. He ran his fingers through his hair, making it even more disheveled. “There is no prenup.”
Dylan slammed on the brakes. The car had been mid–turn when he did so, making Logan slam into the passenger door, and myself slam into Logan. Instinctively, he threw his arms around me.
“What the hell, Dylan?” Logan yelled.
Chapter 0024
We sat frozen for a moment, until finally I pushed myself out of Logan’s arms.
His strong, warm arms.
I blushed as I pushed the thought out of my head.
“Are you okay?” Logan asked me. All I could do was not in response. Was it my imagination, or was Logan a little red too? He hadn’t pushed me out of his arms immediately, I had noticed.
Or hoped, maybe.
Dylan straightened the car out and pulled off the side of the road. He turned fully around to face Logan.
7 should be asking you the same thing. You, of all people, should know better than to get married without a prenup.”
“I told you it was rushed,” Logan looked uncharacteristically embarrassed at the admission.
“What was it, a shotgun wedding? There is always time for a prenup, man. How long have you even known this woman? How do you know she wasn’t trying to weasel her way in to take you for everything you’ve got?” Dylan had lost his chipper, lighthearted demeanor and was now scolding Logan like he was Dylan looked scared for his friend at the thought of what he’d said.
Logan looked down, I would bet money that very few people had ever spoken to him this way. I also imagined Dylan was one of the few that could get away with it.
I could not take the tension anymore. I jumped in. “It could work out between them. Logan has been nothing but the perfect husband to her, from what I’ve seen.”
Logan turned to me and half–smiled.
Dylan turned back around and took a deep breath. “No, you’re right. There is always a chance it will work. out. I’m sorry bud, I’m just looking out for you. No matter what, I’ve got your back. I’ll protect you however I need to.”
Logan opened his mouth, then closed it without saying a word. He looked out the window, deep in thought. It was several minutes before he said anything.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...