Chapter 260
“Good morning.” the deliveryman greeted as the door was opened. “I have a delivery for Samantha Cooper.”
“Of course, come in, please,” the butler directed, allowing him to enter. “You can place it on the table.”
“Thank you, and could you sign here, please?” the deliveryman asked, handing over the receipt while carefully setting down the arrangement. After receiving the signed sheet, he bid farewell and left to continue his deliveries.
“And what’s this?” Samantha asked, noticing the arrangement of white roses shaped like a teddy bear.
“It’s for you, madam, and it came with this,” the butler said, handing her a card and a blue leather case.
“For me?” she asked, blushing slightly with surprise.
“Hey, now I’m getting jealous,” Eric joked, approaching to see the gift while carrying his grandson.
“My goodness, I feel like a twenty–something with a handsome suitor showering me with gifts,” teased, opening the card. “Ah… how sweet. Thank you, my son,” she said, noticing Jayden approaching to admire the arrangement.
“Huh?” Jayden managed to say, moving closer to read the card his mother was showing him. It read: To the best mommy in the world, with love from your kids D.
“…” Eric also read the card and seemed to relax a bit.
“And let’s see what’s in here,” Samantha said, opening the leather case. “Wow… look, darling, now I have something beautiful to wear today,” she exclaimed, revealing a gold bracelet with heart designs inside
the box.
“It’s a lovely gesture, son, but you should have let me know so I could chip in for the gift,” Eric said.
“Um… well, Dad, you know, I wanted to do something special,” Jayden lied, laughing nervously.
James reached out to touch the arrangement
“No, James, these flowers aren’t for squishing,” Samantha said, guessing the little one’s intentions, making him pout.
Just then, they heard another knock on the door, so the butler went to see who it was and returned shortly after.
“What’s going on?” Eric asked as the butler came back,
“The young man apologizes, saying this was supposed to be part of the previous delivery, sir. It’s for you,” he said, handing over a red–wrapped box with Eric’s name on the card.
“For me? Haha, son, you shouldn’t have, but let’s see,” Eric said, amused, passing James to his wife before opening the gift. Inside, he found a black leather wallet and a box of liqueur chocolates. “Hey! What are you trying to say with this?” he asked playfully, holding up the wallet.
“Just what I’ve been telling you–it’s time to replace your wallet. The one you have is old and worn out.”
“But it’s my favorite, and… wait… this one’s identical,” he said, surprised, opening it to find it was just like
Chapter 260
his old one and even had a family photo inside. “Well, suppose I’ll make the switch.”
“Hehe, thanks, son, for the gifts,” Samantha said, coming over to kiss his cheek.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...