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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 271

Chapter 271 

+25 BONUS 

The wedding was simply perfecteverything from the decorations, the food, the entertainment, the amblance, and the surprise of the new baby made it an unforgettable event for everyone

However, the highlight was undoubtedly the special month Jayden and Deborah spent enjoying their honeymoon on the beach

As the month came to an end, it also marked the end of their vacation as they were coming back just two weeks before James’s first birthday

Fortunately, since James was still so young, they decided to keep it simplea small gathering with only close family members

James might not remember much of his first birthday, but his parents and staff decorated the house with large balloons and even gave him a roll of streamers to play with, which he loved at that age

What Deborah would remember vividly, though, was the déjà vu she experienced when the gift competition began again, just as she had imagined

The competition was fierce, with James reacting positively to all the presents, up until it was Elliot’s turn

Look, James, this is my gift for you,” Elliot announced, revealing a dark blue walker decorated with star patterns. It’s a luxury model because not only does it have toys for you to play with, but it also has a spot where we can put cookies or snacks,he explained, demonstrating the mechanism

OhJames’s eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of the toys

Hehe, I think we have a winner here. This gift is going to be incredibly useful,Jayden commented

Wait, is he already walking?George asked, his excitement palpable

Instead of telling you, let us show you,Deborah said, stepping back a bit. Come on, love, let’s put him down so his grandparents can see him in action.” 

Jayden gently lowered James to the ground, supporting him to keep him steady. As soon as James felt his feet touch the flat surface, he began to smile with excitement

James, my love, come here,Deborah called. Come here, sweetie, come to Mommy.” 

Hearing his mother’s voice, James started moving his feet slowly, placing one in front of the other as he advanced with his dad’s support


Yeah, let’s go to Mommy,Jayden encouraged

Oh my godSamantha was thrilled to see this. How long has he been doing this?she asked, turning on her phone’s camera to record the moment

He only started trying to stand and walk on his own about a week ago,Jayden said. Though, of course, we’re close by to catch him if he falls or gets hurt.” 

In fact, we were just talking about getting him a walker to help him get used to moving his feet,Deborah added as she carefully scooped up her little one


+25 BONUS 

Chapter 271 

Ah. heheJames was thrilled to have reached his mom

what a talented little boy,Elliot commented, recording the moment as well

And how’s he doing with words?Nicholas asked. Or is he still too young for that?” 

According to the pediatrician, he’s at the age where he should start talking.Deborah said. It could be today or in a few months. The usual age range is between 12 and 18 months.” 

So he’s still taking his time,Eric noted

Exactly, but that’s why I’m determined to make Papahis first word,Jayden declared confidently, raising his right fist as if making a promise

Well, he could also say Mama, Samantha suggested, though she regretted it when she saw Jayden’s 


Maybe, but I’m putting my effort into making sure his first word is Papa,Deborah said

Awwmy beloved indulges me,Jayden said happily, hugging her and kissing her on the lips

That’s all sweet and allbut dear,Nicholas began, remember that soon you won’t be able to carry James anymore.” 

Don’t worry, Dad. I know, that’s why I’m making the most of carrying my sweet boy now.” 

So will we know in a week?Eric asked

What do you mean?” George inquired

About Deborah’s next appointment with the gynecologist,Jayden said. Because at that appointment, we’ll find out what we’re having


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