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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 281

Chapter 281 

Deborah and James gave them permission and waited at the entrance

A few minutes later, the kids came back, each carrying a pet: a Labrador puppy and a kitten

Daddy, can we?Ellie asked, showing the black Labrador puppy she had in her arms

Yeah, can we?James added, showing the small orange kitten he was holding

Hey.. wasn’t this supposed to be one pet for both of you?Deborah asked, though she seemed amused because she had already imagined this scenario, where they would end up with two pets

ButThe kids looked at each other and then pouted, trying to convince their parents to let them adopt both

HmI don’t know. What do you think, love?Deborah asked, looking at her husband

Wellwe have a big house, and if they’re going to be responsiblehe began, seeing how the kidseyes. lit up

We will!Ellie said

Yes, I promise,James declared

The two adults exchanged a look before smiling

If you’re going to be responsible, then I think we can adopt both,Jayden said

Yes!James and Elizabeth shouted, jumping up and down

But. Deborah began, making the kids look at her nervously, The trick is that you both have to promise me two things.” 

What things, Mommy?Ellie asked, hugging her little puppy

You have to take really good care of your new little friends.” 

We promise,” the siblings said in unison

And what’s the second thing?Jayden asked

That you both need to keep getting good grades,she said, watching them nod with big smiles. Because you both need to be good role models for your future little brother or sister.” 

That’s right, you need towait, what?Jayden looked at his beloved, mouth agape, noticing that she had a smile spread across her lips

Mommy, what does that mean?Ellie asked, confused because she didn’t understand

Ellie, it means Mommy’s going to have a baby,James said, jumping up and down with excitement

That’s right, sweetie,” Deborah said, noticing that both kids jumped up to hug her

The pets whined a little from being squished

Oops…the kids said, stepping back from the hug and petting their pets to apologize

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 281 

Well, first, let’s do the paperwork for your friends, buy what they need and their food, and then go home to celebrate the news about your new sibling,” Jayden said happily

With that said, they made their donation for the adoption and went to the store to buy food and toys for the new animals

So, tell mehow did you find out?Jayden asked playfully while the kids were picking out toys


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