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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 317

Chapter 0317 

1 had a restless night, unable to find any sleep with so many revelations bouncing around in my head. 

Logan did his best to help me, holding and kissing me, but before too long, he couldn’t keep his eyes open I watched him sleep, dozing only lightly here and there

When the sun came up, it was almost a relief. I didn’t have to pretend anymore

We shared an early breakfast with the Christopher’s, then loaded up the car for our trip. When we were ready to leave, Frank gave me a hug first, then Tammy 

You’ll always have a home here,Tammy whispered into my ear

I hugged her tighter after that

Logan drove guided by the GPS, and after thirty minutes, we pulled down the main street of the small town of Farhaven. The main street was scenic, with familyowned store fronts, flower beds under windows, and wooden park benches every now and then

People were milling about, shopping and heading to work. It seemed very peaceful here. The people looked happy

The cemetery was on the other end of the town, passed the town hall and another large building that seemed to be a bank. The cemetery didn’t have its own parking so Logan found a spot on the street. We walked the rest of the way

As Tammy had already located my birth mother’s grave, we were able to follow the paths and markers to the right section and row. The cemetery was pretty small, considering, so it didn’t take us more than five -minutes from when we entered until we spotted the correct headstone

Here lies Angela Clives. Under listed the years of her birth and death. With quick calculation, I realized she was only 38. Too young. Far too young

That was it. No other words. No other memories. Just a name and a set of dates to remember an entire 

life lost

Yet, the more I looked at the headstone and the area of the grave itself, the more I realized how well tended it was compared to the more forgotten graves to the left and right. Angela’s even had real flowers around it, and they were still blooming

Someone had to be tending to this grave. But who

Excuse me,said a voice from behind us. Logan and I turned to see a woman of around 40 slowly approaching us. She stayed far off, as if not wanting to intrude. Forgive me, but I have to ask. Are you one of Angela’s little girls?” 

I blinked, startled

What makes you say that?Logan interjected, speaking for me as my voice was lost

It’s justyou look so much like her.” 

Like who?Logan asked

Chapter 031


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