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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 0032 

+25 80 

I’m not Elena,I muttered bitterly. How could anyone actually believe that I would do that just to get ahead at work

Excuse me?Peter said, narrowing his eyes at me

1 said….I did not do anything of the sort.” 

No? I have documented proof of these sexual advances.He tapped his computer screen. And if you don’t cooperate and help me as requested, I’ll be sure they get into the hands of the higher ups around here,Peter said, clasping his hands on his desk

I rolled my eyes. I could see right through him. Proof? How could you possibly have anything, I would never do something like that and everyone here knows it! Now, if you’ll excuse me I have more important things to do with my time.” 

You would never, huh?” He ignored me. Then how do you explain these emails?He turned his computer screen around to face me. On the screen was an email that looked like it was from me to Logan. I read over it, my face burning at its somewhat racy contents

My dearest Logan

Meet me tonight in the hall by the men’s locker rooms, I’d love to shower you with everything I’ve been researching for you. Maybe afterwards we can go down and work on those spreadsheets that me about? I’ll bring your favorite wine, you bring that sixpack you know I love. No need to wear anything you asked 

special, or anything at all for that matter. ;

I’ll be waiting


Okay, first of all, those puns are terrible. I would never.I started

“I also have eye witnesses that have seen you and Logan working,Peter made air quotes with his fingers when he said the last word, here after office hours.” 

I narrowed my eyes at him. “We do work when I’m here late.” 

Is it also true that you’ve started staying in the employee rest area?Peter said, ignoring my protests

My face flushed from anger. Yes, but” 

My dear, I’m not trying to embarrass you.” 

I’m not embarrassed, I’m pissed off.I snapped

He didn’t seem to hear me. There is a simple solution. If you get me the information I’m looking for I can make sure all of the evidence is destroyed.” 

No one is going to believe that these emails are actually from me,I said, my annoyance and frustration growing

No?He looked at his screen. Is your email not ? Because that is what it says here.He pointed at the fromline


Chapter 0032 

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It is, but anyone could fake something like that.” 

Oh! And I almost forgot to mention the video evidence we have,Peter said


He clicked on an icon on his computer and a video popped up. It was black and white and grainy, but it was pretty clear who was in it, it was surveillance from the night Logan came out of the mens locker room to ask me to put ointment on him. I watched myself in those raggedy pajamas talk to Logan then follow him into the locker room

God. If I had known I was going to be framed for something ridiculous I would’ve worn better clothes that 

night, I thought

That’sthat’s not what it looks like,I said quietly. I knew that protest was in vain. I knew nothing happened that night, but to someone who wasn’t there..it looked like pretty damning evidence that something had

Well then, maybe you can explain to the board of directors why you followed Logan into that locker room that night, hmm?” 

My heart sank at the thought. I closed my eyes. If I had to stand in front of the board and defend myself, I knew anything I said would just sound like a lame, madeup excuse. I would be fired, a black mark would be on my record, and I don’t know if I would ever be able to find work after that. Peter, it seemed, had backed me into a corner, and I could see no other way out

I hung my head. What do you want me to find for you?” 

The next morning, Natalie rolled over in Hazel’s bed and laid her head on Chance’s chest. Chance yawned and blinked his eyes open. He noticed Natalie was still wearing the ring she had taken from Hazel. He grabbed her left hand, looking at that giant ring on her ring finger

Why are you still wearing this fake ring? What about the ring I gave you? Where is it?He whined

Natalie scoffed When you get me a ring at least this big, maybe I’ll consider it.” 

Chance’s eyebrows narrowed. He pushed Natalie off of him and turned away from her. She rolled her eyes at him

Oh my god, are you pouting?She said, sitting up. She looked at the ring herself. The clarity of itshe wondered again if it really was a fake after all? She had seen quite a bit of costume jewelry throughout the years as an actress, this just seemed different to her. She decided at that moment she would use her day off to get it checked out

Come on,she nudged Chance. You’re taking me to a jewelry store. I’m going to show you what kind of ring a man should actually buy someone he says he loves.” 

Chance pulled up to H.G. Jewelers an hour later. He walked around to the passenger’s side of his SUV and opened the door for Natalle. Without a word, she stepped out of the vehicle and walked briskly into the jewelry shop


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Chapter 0032 

Welcome to H.G. Jewelers!A chipper middleaged clerk greeted them as they entered. What brings you In today?” 


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