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My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 0043 

A chill went down my spine at Elena’s words. Some people say things like that but don’t actually mean it

Elena Sheffield, however, was a woman of her word. I’ve seen her seek vengeance on others for far less. I suddenly felt very nauseous

Elena strutted away and I booked it to the bathroom. I locked myself in the first stall and took several deep breaths. I looked at the toilet. Was there anything grosser than throwing up in a public restroom? I could barely bring myself to even sit on a toilet, much less put my face that close to where othersrear ends have been

Oh, I had to stop that train of thought. That was making the nausea worse. I closed my eyes and actively turned the voice in my brain off until the feeling subsided. I breathed a sigh of relief

Thank God,I muttered

“Hazel?Theard Maria’s voice from outside my stall

Oh, Maria!The sound of her voice made the dam burst. Tears and snot that had been pent up for days just immediately began flowing down my face

I saw you running in herewhat’s wrong? What happened?” 

I opened the stall door and threw my arms around her neck. She held me until the tears finally subsided

Okay, you need a break. This weekend I’m taking you to get a massage and a manicure and we’re going to drink wine until we become blathering idiots like Brunch Peter,Maria said, wiping tears from my cheeks with her thumbs

I laughed. Will you marry me?I asked

Maria smiled. Not with those snot bubbles coming out of your nose like that.” 

I covered my nose and frowned. Oh my god.I ran over to the paper towel dispenser and grabbed one. I blew my nose into it

Beautiful,Manq said

I pretended to throw the paper towel at her. She let out a small scream and jumped backwards before. realizing I hadn’t actually released it. She gave me the middle finger. I laughed and threw it in the trash. “I’m sorry you got stuck with cleanup duty after brunchI said, turning the faucet on to wash my hands. Trust me, I preferred that to being called into the CEO’s office. What did he say to 


I turned the sink off and dried my hands. He thinks I was working with Peter on this.I shook my head.That is the part that hurts me the most, that he could actually think I would betray him like that, even after all that I’ve done for him

Maybe I was seeing Logan and I’s work relationship all wrong. I had felt over the past several weeks that we were creating some sort of bond. Is that my issue with relationships in general? Do I get so attached so fast that I ignore how things really are

I’m sure he’s been surrounded by fake people that have eventually betrayed him his whole life, as rich 

+26 BONUS 

Старт 0043 

and handsome as he is,Maria said. “I bet this whole mess will blow over as soon as Peter’s been given the pink slip. Logan will see that you’re loyal to him.” 

I sure hoped so

After work I sat on my bed in the rest area. I just felt sodrained. I had exhausted what little energy I had left and I could not bring myself to do anything except sit on the edge of the bed and stare at the wall 

across the room

After my postbrunch meeting with Logan earlier that day, I had waited in eager anticipation for him to call me back into his office so I could explain my side of things, but he never did. He didn’t say anything to me, actually, even when I told him when and where his dinner reservation would be. He just nodded at me, without so much as a glance in my direction

Add that to the daggers Elena shot my direction every time she passed me, and you have one helluva way to end the work week

Although, seeing a disheveled Peter escorted out by security once he was sober enough to walk was pretty satisfying. Still, I thanked God that it was Friday

1 looked around at the rest area. This particular room had four beds. Luckily, no one else had been using the room since I started staying there, so I was able to use one of the beds to hold my clothes and make- up and things. Stillit was a depressing sight. Everything was a stark white color the walls, the sheets, the floor tiles. The only thing that wasn’t was the thin comforters. Those were a lovely shade of puke green. My guess was the higherups that approved the design did not want people to get comfy and stay there longterm

What I really needed, I realized, was a change of scenery. 

I sat up. Since Natalie had dumped Chance, maybe being at home wouldn’t be so bad. It hadn’t been all that great before those two started sticking their relationship in my face every chance they got, but at least my room had a locking door and soft carpet and more than two depressing colors

I stuffed all my belongings into the totes I had brought them in

Well,I said once I had everything packed up. Here goes nothing.” 

As I held my keys out to unlock my parentsfront door minutes later, it flew open before I could stick the key in the lock. An equally stunned Natalie and I stared at each other for a moment 

Oh! Hello Hazel,she finally broke the silence


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