Chapter 0047
I studied her. It was unlike Natalie to not gush about her life, especially in regards to a guy she was into. She normally gave anyone in earshot every little boring detail. I looked to Mom for an answer and she shrugged.
“Don’t ask me,” she said. “We haven’t gotten any more than that out of her either.”
I switched gears some. “So this stalker guy, that’s pretty scary! Is it someone you know?”
Natalie groaned. “Oh my god. How many times do I have to say that was a misunderstanding?”
Her phone dinged and she picked it up. She smiled at the screen. “Looks like I have another date tonight!”
Natalie grabbed her bowl of fruit and walked out of the kitchen. I looked at my parents, bewildered.
Mom ignored me and stood to clear the breakfast dishes. Dad had turned to his newspaper.
“So…” I started, unsure what to even ask to get the information I was searching for.
“We don’t know any more than you do,” Dad said, his eyes glued to his
Inwardly sighed. I went to the fridge to find something to eat, and my eyes landed on a police report newspaper clipping that was on the outside of it. I removed the magnet and pulled it off, my eyes quickly scanning it.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“It’s the police report from the night the cops were called on Nat’s stalker,” Mom said, being surprisingly forthcoming for once.
I looked down at the clipping. There was hardly any Information, it was just a basic 911 report they put in all the papers:
“Police were called about a domestic disturbance at Sunset Studios around 8:30 pm on Friday, April 12th. One person was arrested and taken in for questioning.
April 12th why did that date sound so familiar?
After Natalie left for her date, I snuck into her room. I knew I was acting very irrationally about the whole thing, but I needed concrete evidence that Logan and Natalie were not together sol could actually get some sleep over the weekend. No matter how many times I told myself the odds of it being her were so slim, my anxiety just refused to listen.
I opened her laptop. A photo of a smiling Natalie greeted me when the screen lit up. Of course she has herself as her background photo, I rolled my eyes.
I clicked the mousepad, hoping maybe I could get in easily. But nope. Password protected.
“I need to learn how to hack into computers,” I muttered to myself. I typed “ImABigBitch” into the password space and pushed enter. “Incorrect password” popped on the screen.
“Yeah, yeah,” I said. I closed the laptop and opened her desk drawers one by one. They were pretty sparsely filled. A couple call sheets from her films stuffed into one, some headehe.
Chapter 0047
In another. I shook my head at those. I did find a nice leather–bound journal in one drawer, but when I flipped through the pages I found it to be empty.
“Such a waste,” I said, returning the journal where I found it.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...