Chapter 0065
“How so?”
Either Natalie had turned over a new leaf and was suddenly no longer a self–absorbed narcissistic person, or she was up to something. My guess was the latter. “Just…helping me pick out decor or putting his input on the food, things like that.”
“So you see your !
a lot, huh?” She asked.
Was it my imagination or did I detect a twinge of jealousy?
“I mean, yeah, my desk is right outside his office,” I said. She didn’t need to know that it was now temporarily inside his office. “Why do you ask?”
“Oh, I’m preparing for an acting role, I’ll be playing a secretary,” she said. “I’m just trying to get an idea of what you do all day, since I’ve never had to take on a day job like you.” She smiled at me.
Her words were a stab to my failed–actress heart. “Yeah yeah, I’m the failure, you’re not, I get it already. If you don’t mind, I have some things I need to do. Alone.
“Fine. I have a date to get ready for anyway.” She stood and leaned right in my face. “You know, with my new, rich, deliciously handsome man.”
“I thought you guys were fighting?” I said, trying to keep my cool until she left the room.
She shrugged. “We are, but I told him he needs to make it up to me. So he’s taking me out. He promised he would give me whatever I want,” she said. “I know you don’t understand how relationships work, since you can never seem to hold onto anyone.” She turned to walk out of the room.
“It’s hard to when your sister is the Wicked Witch of…of the…of stealing men,” I called after her.
She ignored me. She walked through my door and slammed it shut behind her.
I shot daggers at her through the door, then sighed. “Not my best comeback,” I muttered to myself.
Later that evening, Logan followed Natalie around the high–end jewelry store she had dragged him to. When he had promised her anything she wanted, he’d had some sort of new restaurant or bar in mind, Not jewelry shopping.
She paused at an ostentatious diamond necklace. “You said anything I wanted, right?” Natalie said.
“I did,” Logan said, now regretting it. He made a mental note to not make such open, vague promises down the road. “Whatever you want, my love.” He internally kicked himself. Why couldn’t he stop saying that?
She smiled at him. “Can I try this on?” She asked the store clerk, pointing at the necklace on display.
“Certainly,” the clerk pulled it out and helped her put it on. He handed her a small handheld mirror, and she turned left and right, admiring it.
“Perhaps we can do something different tonight?” Logan said. “Maybe a movie and drinks at my place?” Natalie frowned and lowered the mirror. “What kind of date is that?”
Chapter 0065
“I just thought it might be nice, a cozy night in like that,” Logan shrugged, regretting that he brought it up. at all.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...