Chapter 0081
Logan stood on the porch in front of Dylan’s door. He went to push the doorbell, but his finger hesitated in front of it. Dylan hadn’t exactly seemed happy with him at the party earlier that night, he wasn’t sure how he would react to him showing up unannounced at his house.
But then he thought of Natalie and her threats. This couldn’t wait. He rang the bell.
Dylan opened the door a minute later, now dressed in a t–shirt and basketball shorts. He frowned when he saw Logan. “What do you want?”
“I need your help,” Logan said. “Can I come in?”
Dylan considered it for a moment, then opened the door all the way so Logan could walk through.
Logan entered the hallway and started towards the kitchen like he always did when they hung out. “Beer?” He asked Dylan.
Dylan moved in front of him and blocked Logan’s way to the kitchen. “I don’t think this is a beer visit, man. Sit.” He pointed towards the living room. “You’re going to tell me what you need then you’re leaving.”
Logan studied Dylan’s face. He still looked just as pissed as he had during their confrontation in the hallway during the party. What was he so mad about? Logan wondered.
“Okay,” Logan said and walked into the living room. He took his usual spot on Dylan’s worn leather couch. It stood out in the otherwise immaculately decorated house, but Dylan had bought it in college and always said it was perfectly worn in now, so it stayed.
Dylan sat across the room from him in a much nicer–looking leather recliner. “Well?”
“Natalie refuses to divorce me,” Logan said.
“What? I thought it was settled when you kicked her out of the party.”
“I thought so too. But then she came back to the office. She found me and Hazel in my office, and…” realized far too late he didn’t want to explain what happened next.
“And?” Dylan narrowed his eyes at Logan.
“And uh…she took a picture of us…and threatened to use it to keep me married to her,” Logan said, praying that Dylan wouldn’t ask what the picture was of
“Took a picture of you two doing what, exactly?” Dylan said through gritted teeth.
“Nothing! We weren’t doing anything.” Logan answered
“If it was nothing you wouldn’t have run over here like you did. What. Were. You. Two. Doing?”
Logan sighed. “It really was nothing. But…she had caught me almost kissing Hazel.”
Dylan stood and shook his head with a scoff. “You fucking asshole.”
“Dylan, I’m sorry, nothing actually happened.”
“Because you got caught! Twice, I might add,” Dylan said. “I saw you almost kiss her after the party too, in case you forgot.”
+25 B
Chapter 0081
“Dylan, this isn’t about her, this is about Natalie and getting out of this marriage as soon as possible,” Logan also stood, pleading.
“No way man, I already tried helping you once. I’m not doing it again. Find another divorce lawyer.”
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...