Chapter 0089
Dylan watched Hazel as she walked towards the exit. He wondered what had her so…anxious? Frazzled? He couldn’t quite tell..
He waited until the nurse left Logan’s room, then he entered. Logan was sitting up in bed, watching TV. “Hey man,” Dylan said, sitting in the chair next to the bed. “How you feeling?”
Logan had a faraway look in his eyes. There was a long pause before his answered. “Oh, hey. Sorry. Uh…. I’m doing okay, just wiped.”
“I bet,” Dylan said.
“Where did Hazel go?” Logan asked, looking towards the hallway.
“She said she had some errands to run,” Dylan shrugged.
“Oh.” Logan was relieved. It would have been awkward to have her in here with Dylan, he thought..
Dylan dug into his burrito. The two quietly watched the soap opera that was on TV for a few minutes. “These shows man,” Dylan laughed. “They’re so wild and unbelievable.”
Logan laughed. They watched the rest of the show in silence. When it ended, Logan switched off the TV and turned to Dylan.
“Hey, are we cool?” He asked.
“After you almost died? Yeah, I’m just glad you’re okay man,” Dylan said, tossing his burrito wrapper in the trash,
“I know I haven’t been the greatest friend…” Logan started.
“Seriously, forget it. We’ll start with a clean slate,” Dylan said.
Logan nodded and thought for a moment. “I know that almost died…But I don’t really remember much after I left your house last night.”
“Oh!” Dylan’s eyes grew wide. “You don’t know how you ended up here?”
Logan shook his head.
“Well,” Dylan said. “Hazel told me that she got home and found you basically passed out on the couch. Natalie was there…”
“Wait…why was Natalie there?”
“She lives with Hazel,” Dylan shrugged, “Anyway, Natalie was trying to manipulate you somehow, so she
put a bunch of sleeping pills in your wine. She told Hazel that, and Hazel called 911.”
Logan leaned back onto his pillows, taking it all in. “Natalie drugged me?”
“Yeah man, I couldn’t believe it either.”
“Can we do something about that? Legally?” Logan asked.
Chapter 0089
Dylan let out a snort. “You bet your ass we can, and we will.”
“Good,” Logan said.
“And about what I said last night…forget it. I’m going to help you divorce this bitch.”
I sat in my car, burrito in my lap, and just stared at my phone screen. I had opened Maria’s response to my text, but that was as far as I had gotten.
As much as I had enjoyed the kiss in the moment, now that I was away from him and Dylan I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about it.
The readers' comments on the novel: My Boss My Secret Husband (Hazel and Logan)
Where is the rest ,...