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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 218

Chapter 218 : Maybe all this is the best destiny.

-Micaela, maybe all this is the best destiny. Just think, back then, you were a child. You couldn't do anything if your aunt wanted to achieve your dad's company. Wouldn't you feel more painful watching her steal everything without being able to do anything? -Alba felt sorry for her, "If I had known the truth, you would hold a grudge and you wouldn't be as worthy as you are now, would you?

Micaela was speechless. According to Carlos' information, she had moved out of Zyalen Province and into Teladia and had no relatives other than the Elvira. In other words, even if she did not lose her memory, she would not be able to find anyone to help her.

-Thank you, Alba," Micaela said gratefully.

Alba glanced at it and saw that she still hadn't opened the album.

-Don't you dare to look at it?

-Let's see it when we get home! -After looking at the album cover for a while, Micaela put it down.

After more than 20 minutes, the two arrived at Barrio Fanslan. They closed the door, turned the light on full blast and sat down together on the couch.

Micaela felt nervous and uneasy, but she was also waiting for something. She slouched down on the couch and placed the album on her lap. Alba leaned on it with the same posture.

After a deep breath, Micaela opened it slowly.

Since the photos were taken more than a decade ago, they had faded a bit. But that didn't affect the images at all thanks to good preservation.

The first photo was of Micaela's entire family.

The mother was on the left and the father on the right. Among them, Micaela was there. The three of them were sitting in the living room of the Elvira's house now.

With her heart beating fast, Micaela was looking at her intently. To her she seemed unfamiliar, but also familiar.

The mother was beautiful and looked very kind at first glance. And the father was a gentleman. He was tall and slim...

-Micaela, you've been beautiful since you were a child!

Alba noticed the little Micaela in the photo. With vivid eyes, even though she was only nine years old, her beauty was obvious.

The two continued to look at the photos in the back. Most of them were of Micaela, showing various poses. Remarkably, her parents loved her very much.

In one of the photos, Micaela was on the lawn by the villa gate. The sunlight was streaming on her delicate face and she looked happy....

-Micaela, you learned to walk like a model. Look how you stand, isn't that the posture of a standard model?

Micaela looked at the photo. Indeed, this position was the same as the one Eric had taught her!

It looked like she had learned it as a child.

But why had she forgotten it so completely?

-Alba, in soap operas, people who have lost their memory can remember everything after passing out from a blow to the head. Shall we try it? -Micaela looked at Alba with disappointment.

-Jolin! It's too risky, what if this blow makes you a fool and you don't even recognize Carlos?

She was right, what a risk!

Micaela abandoned this unrealistic idea.

-But you can go to the hospital to check for ecchymosis by pressing on the nerves or something. Medicine is already very developed, and maybe it helps you to remember your childhood!

Micaela nodded and the two continued looking at the pictures.

On the next pages, there were some pictures of her with the Elvira family, and also the one of her and Adriana together.

-I envied and hated you as a child! Look at the look on her face!

Chapter 218 : Maybe All This Is The Best Destiny. 1

Chapter 218 : Maybe All This Is The Best Destiny. 2

Chapter 218 : Maybe All This Is The Best Destiny. 3


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